Ni WooCommerce Customer Product Report Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Product customer report show the list of customer who purchase that product, go to woocommerce edit list any product scroll down the page and find the customer list who purchase that product.
To view product customer report by editing the product, product customer report enable the customer list who purchase that product. Customer report provide the option to export the report into CSV, Excel and PDF format. You can sort the report by clicking the header of the report table.
Setting provide the option to control the product customer report columns like billing address, shipping address and customer details.
Key feature of product customer report
- Dashboard show last 30 Daily sales report, Top 10 product report and Top 10 customer report
- Customer report show all billing, shipping and customer details columns, table header sorting
- Product customer report export to EXCEL, CSV, PDF, PRINT and copy
- Setting option to control the columns of product customer report.
for more analytical report buy our pro version
Ni WooCommerce Sales Report Pro Version Feature
we have Ni WooCommerce Sales Report Pro that have more than 15+ report and 20+ sales analytical count and amount.
- Dashboard Sales Report Analysis (Order Count,Sales, Product Sold,Discount,Tax )
- Sales Order Report, Filter By Date range, Order No, First Name and Order Status, Export,
- Bar chart show the Monthly sales amount on dashboard
- Line chart show the daily sales amount on dashboard
- Sold Product Sales Report
- Variation Product Report
- Order Status wise sales report
- Customer wise sales report
- Payment Gateway wise sales report
- Country wise sales report
- Coupon wise sales report
- Product wise sales report
- Filter all report with date range, customer name, billing name, emaill address, order status and many more
- Ability to filter and CSV/Excel export the sold product report
Support/Feedback Email/New Report Requirement
- We are open to your suggestions and feedback – Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins
Users are fully responsible for their own use.