NM Favourites Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Free version features
- Create multiple buttons such as favourites, likes, dislikes, bookmarks, and wishlist for all post types, custom post types, woocommerce products and comments.
- Show or hide the count of number of times the item has been added to favourites.
- Position buttons on various locations on the page and set their order of appearance when they appear in a group.
- Allow guests or logged in users to create and manage favourite buttons.
- Allow users to view statistics of favourites content.
- Output favourite buttons automatically, via shortcode or through php code.
- Allow admin to view full statistics of all favourite categories and items in those categories for all users.
- Show most tagged items in all favourite categories.
Pro version features
- Enable the creation of custom favourites buttons.
- Allow favourites to be created for almost any object type such as taxonomies, images, urls, pagination and more.
- Allow admin to create favourite collections or playlists for users.
- Allow admin to set default categories for users to save to in favourite collections or playlists.
- Allow admin to set the visibility of favourite categories to public or private for users.
- Allow users to create their own favourite categories and set the visibility to public or private.
- Allow specific posts, pages or objects to be included or excluded from being added to favourites.
- Ability specific categories or taxonomies to be included or excluded from being added to favourites.
- Paginate tables.
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