No Widget Category Cloud Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Creates a function that can be placed in a wordpress template for a category cloud that exists without the requirement of widgets or a widget ready theme.
I created this plugin after I started using a single column theme that is not widget ready. I found that there were multiple plugin widgets available, but no plugin that would allow me to just place a php function into my theme to display a category cloud.
Some ideas for oter uses of this plugin:
- Install WP-Sticky and Exec-PHP. Create a Sticky post which will stay at the top of your page and type the php code for this plugin in the post. Now you have a Category Cloud that stays at the top of your page.
- WordPress 2.x
- Web server that supports PHP
- Deactivate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Delete the previous
folder from the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Upload the new
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
<?php nw_catcloud(small_size,big_size,size_unit,align,orderby,order,min_posts,hide_empty,title); ?>
small_size = font size, integer (default 75)
big_size = font size, integer (default 200)
size_unit = %, px, pt (default %)
align = left, right, center, justify (default left)
orderby = count, name (default name)
order = asc, desc (default asc)
min_posts = minimum number of posts, integer (default 1)
hide_empty = 0,1 (default 1, 1=yes,0=no)
title = string (This can contain HTML to format the title)
- Open the theme files, in your favorite editor, that you wish to add the category cloud to (index.php, single.php, page.php, etc…).
- Add a line that looks like above. You can also use the defaults by not specifiying anything between the parentheses. See example 2 below.
- Enjoy.
- As I mentioned in the description you can also use this plugin with Exec-PHP and it would make a nice combo with WP-Sticky.
<?php nw_catcloud(75,200,'%','left','name','asc',1,1,'<h2 class="posttitle" style="margin-bottom:0px;">Categories</h2>'); ?>
<?php nw_catcloud(); ?>
To Do
- I am open to suggestions.
- I am sure I will think of something.
I’ve got to give credit where credit is due. And that credit goes to Lee Kelleher and his Category Cloud Widget. I used a lot of his code in this plugin modifying it where needed to make it work the way I wanted.