Nude Image Blocker Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The role of this plugin is to help wordpress administrator(s) / website owners to control and block images with explicit (nude/porn) content.
It can be described as a background running process which is activated on every image upload and/or comment posting.
The plugin is highly customizable so, its scanning behavior can be changed according to your needs.
It has 3 scanning profiles:
1. Moderate nude images
2. Watermark nude images
3. Delete nude images automatically
Main features:
- Excluding administrator(s) from scanning
- Scanning sensitivity adjusting
- Email sending whenever a `nude` image is uploaded
- Save uploader detail (such as: name, email, IP, etc.)
- Saving a copy of uploaded image for further use ( in a separate folder )
- Comment scanning for tags and automatic scanning
- Image size limitations, for excluding profile pictures / thumbnails from scanning
- Automatic update
- Friendly and easy to use Settings Panel
- Overall activity log to easily track your uploads
- Batch approval / deleting
- Very good performances
- Automatic update system
You can try a live exemplification of the plugin here
Login details:
User: admin123
Pass: test123
For more details about this plugin and about core algorithm, check this out