Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
NerdPress has adopted Optimize Database After Deleting Revisions! Read the announcement here.
This plugin is a ‘One Click’ WordPress database cleaner & optimizer, with precise revision cleanup and flexible scheduling.
Main Features
- Deletes revisions of posts, pages and / or custom post types (you optionally can keep an ‘x’-amount of the most recent revisions and you can choose to delete revisions older than…)
- Deletes trashed posts, pages and comments (optional)
- Deletes spammed comments (optional)
- Deletes unused tags (optional)
- Deletes ‘expired or all transients’ (optional)
- Deletes ‘pingbacks’ and ‘trackbacks’ (optional)
- Clears the ‘OEMBED cache’ (optional)
- Deletes ‘orphan postmeta items’
- Optimizes the database tables (optionally you can exclude certain tables, or even specific posts/pages, from optimization)
- Creates a log of the optimizations (optional)
- Optimization can be scheduled to automatically run once hourly, twice daily, once daily or once weekly at a specific time (optional)
- ‘Optimize DB (1 click)’ link in the admin bar (optional)
- ‘Optimize Database’ Icon in the admin menu (optional)
- MULTISITE compatible: optimizes all sites in the network with one click
You can find the settings page in the WP Admin Panel » Optimize Database -or- via the WP Admin Panel » Optimize Database icon (depends on settings)
Excluding specific posts/pages from deleting revisions
If you want to keep revisions for a specific post/page (no matter what the other settings are), create a custom field named ‘keep_revisions’ for that post/page and give it the value ‘Y’
Starting the Analysis / Optimization
You can start the Optimization in the WP Admin Panel » Optimize Database.
Note: if you use the Scheduler the Optimization will run automatically!
Note: you also can click the ‘Optimize DB (1 click)’ link in the admin bar (if enabled)
You can click one of the following buttons:
‘Analyze (summary): analyzes the database and gives the count of what will be cleaned
‘Analyze (detail): analyzes the database and gives a detailed report of what will be deleted
‘Optimize (summary): actually deletes the items and gives the count of what has been deleted
‘Optimize (detail): actually deletes the items and gives a detailed report of what has been deleted
Multisite Support
- Install the plugin as Network Administrator (Network Admin » Plugins)
- ‘Network Activate’ the plugin
- You only can configure and run the plugin on the main network site, but it will optimize ALL the sub-sites too!
Running the plug in from a Unix crontab
In case you cannot use WPCron, but you can edit the Unix crontab:
Create a .php file, in the root directory of your site, with:
define(‘RUN_OPTIMIZE_DATABASE’, true);
Then, start the .php file from your crontab!
Supported languages
- Belarus [be_BY] – translated by Natasha – https://www.ustarcash.com/ – keyword UStarCash
- Danish [da_DK] – translated by Alexander Leo-Hansen – http://alexanderleohansen.dk
- Dutch [nl_NL] – translated by Rolf van Gelder, CAGE Web Design – http://cagewebdev.com
- English [en_US] – translated by Rolf van Gelder, CAGE Web Design – http://cagewebdev.com
- French [fr_FR] – translated by Guillaume Blet – http://www.mycinetheque.fr
- German [de_DE] – translated by Kolja Spyra
- Indonesian [id_ID] – translated by ChameleonJohn.com
- Italian [it_IT] – translated by Fabio Marzocca
- Persian [fa_IR] – translated by Milad Mordi, http://seodaramal.ir
- Portuguese [po_BR] – translated by Rede Sul Mineira de Comunicações
- Russian [ru_RU] – translated by Vadim Sokhin, PluginZone – http://pluginzone.ru
- Serbian [sr_RS] – translated by Ogi Djuraskovic, FirstSiteGuide – http://firstsiteguide.com
- Swedish [sv_SE] – translated by P.E.
- Turkish [tr_TR] – translated by Keremcan Buyuktaskin
- Ukranian [uk_UA] – translated by Anna Goriacha, Coupofy – http://coupofy.com
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