OsCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This pulgin/widget enable you to pull the category and product listing from you osCommerce site.
Once activated (follow instructions on installation tab) you get a new menu item in your administration section called ‘osCommerce’. You’ll
then be able to add multiple ‘shops’, edit and delete them. After you add at least one shop the front end widget uses that information to display
the categories from your osCommerce shop. Once you click the shop name that you’ve provided it’ll display the categories available.
Once any category is clicked on it’ll display the products in that category in the product page that you’ve created (see installation instructions).
On the product page when you click the ‘buy now’ button itll open your osCommerce shop in the checkout_shipping.php page with
the product already added in your shpping cart. If you leave that window open and continue to click ‘buy now’ on other products on your
Wordpress site you’ll be able to see them adding on your cart in the osCommerce window.
The plugin uses hard coded ‘language_id’, ‘country_id’, ‘zone_id’, ‘country_code’, (English = 1, South Africa = 193, Zone = (none), Code = ‘ZAR’)
for the product prices hence you’ll need to do a search and replace on those values and put the ones you wish to use. Those values are taken directly
from your osCommerce installation from the configuration table in the DB.
The sql statements are taken directly from oscommerce to produce the same results with the exception of minor ammendments.
I didn’t take this plugin/widget further for the mere fact that a new OO version of osCommerce is imminent and that for sure will
bring through much better ways to communicate with OSC and pull information from it.
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