OTYS Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

OTYS Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The OTYS Plugin makes your WordPress website a proper recruiting website integrated with OTYS. The integration makes sure every step of the process is automated and no extra work has to be done. Vacancies are automaticly pushed to your website without any hassle.

What is included:
– Vacancy Overview with filters
– Vacancy Detail
– Vacancy Apply
– Mail notifications


Vacancies list
Display a list of vacancies including pagination

Vacancies list inlcuding matchcriteria
Pre filter the vacancies list using arguments
[otys-vacancies-list criteria-CRITERIA_NUMBER=”CRITERIA_OPTION_NUMBER”]
For example: [otys-vacancies-list criteria-1="123456"]

Chaning the amount of vacancies per page
[otys-vacancies-list per-page=”VACANCIES_PER_PAGE”]
For example: [otys-vacancies-list per-page="5"]

Vacancies filter list
Displays a list of filters which can be used to filter the result of the otys-vacancies-list when both shortcodes are used on the same page

Vacancies search
Displays a search form which enables to search vacancies based on keywords


After you followed the installation the OTYS menu will be available in the sidebar of your admin panel. Navigate to your WordPress admin panel and go to OTYS > Options. Fill in the API Key provided by OTYS in the API key field. If you have no API Key yet you can request via https://www.otys.nl/contact

After you filled in a correct API Key more options will appear. Make sure you fill in all options. We recommend to go through the options from top to bottom since all options are important and make sure your recruitment website functions exactly how you want it.


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