OWM Weather, Weather Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
OWM Weather is derived from the discontinued plugin WP Cloudy. It uses many of the same settings but is completely separate.
OWM Weather is a flexible and easy to use weather plugin that allows the creation of unlimited different weathers using Custom Post Types and the Open Weather Map API.
Create a weather, select your location, choose the data and customize the look-and-feel with a few clicks.
Embed it anywhere with the automatically generated shortcode via copy and paste in posts, pages, text widgets, or directly in the PHP files of your theme.
With Custom Post Types, you minimize the maintenance: Override certain settings in the system setup and thereby change all weather posts automatically.
= Weather information =
Current weather conditions, alerts, hourly up to 48 hours and daily up to 7 days.
Completely customizable
Data items can be selected and styled individually. Pick your measurement system, time format and zone. Choose from several templates, fonts, or icon sets.
Developers have access through custom templates to the raw Open Weather Map data – converted to the selected measurement system, time format and zone – to build a completely customized layout. A builtin debug template shows all options, data and generated html snippets.
Shortcode Placement
Use in content and/or sidebar, or as widget on the admin dashboard. Multiple completely different weathers can be shown on the same page.
Weather Location
The world-wide location can be specified by the OWM city id (available for over 200,000 cities), the city/country name via dynamic search, the zip code, the latitide/longitude or the IP address of the user (geo location).
Unlimited weathers
OWM Weather uses WordPress Custom Post Types which allows for an unlimited number of weathers.
Cache system
Weather data is cached at a frequency defined by you. The data is then loaded from your server and you no longer depend on external sources. This avoids slowdowns and blocked page rendering.
Open Weather Map API
OWM Weather retrieves the weather information from the Open Weather Map website, a free weather data and forecast API. Get your own free API key to avoid running into call limits. Note: I can take several hours before your API key is activated ny OWM.
Dashboard Weather
You can include OWM Weather in your WordPress Dashboard as a widget.
Flat & Retina responsive design
Minimalist and flat responsive design, fully vectorial (SVG/CSS/Webfont), for a perfect display on all devices.
Options panel
You want to apply configuration settings globally? With our system options panel you can bypass each individual setting on all weathers in just a few clicks. A weather page can opt out of this bypass to ensure it always looks the same.
Google Tag Manager
Weather information (current temperature, cloudiness, short description and category) can be pushed to the Google Tag Manager datalayer to analyze web traffic by weather.
No ads. Free
Our plugin will never display any advertising on your site. Did we mention it’s a free WordPress plugin? We kindly ask for a donation should you like the plugin.
(Coming Soon.)
- English
Partial translations:
- French
- Italian (thanks to www.tosolini.info)
- Hungarian (thanks to Tom)
- Hebrew (thanks to Ben Klinger)
- Polish (thanks to Marcello/Rafal Wronowski)
- Russian (thanks to Andrea)
- Danish (thanks to Carsten Klingenberg)
- German (thanks to Lutz Bennert)
- Portuguese (thanks to Deoclides Neto)
- Spanish (thanks to Wladimir Espinoza Durán)
- Chilean (thanks to Wladimir Espinoza Durán)
- Dutch (thanks to Age de Jong)
- Persian (thanks to @mARYAm)
For developers
Templating system: The main advantage is that you can create a completely personalized weather without changing the core of the plugin. In addition, your changes will not be overwritten at each plugin update.
- Go to OWM Weather template directory: http://yoursite.com/wp-content/plugins/owm-weather/template/
- Copy content-owmweather-custom1.php and content-owmweather-custom2.php files.
- Go to your theme directory: http://yoursite.com/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/
- Create a new folder called owm-weather (the spelling is important).
- In this new folder, paste content-owmweather-custom1.php and content-owmweather-custom2.php files.
- Now, open content-owmweather-custom1.php or content-owmweather-custom2.php with a php editor like notepad ++, coda2, sublime text…
- Write your weather layout.. You can use the other templates as guidelines.
- Save and send your changes via FTP.
- Now you built a custom weather template. Select the template “Custom 1” or “Custom 2” in your weather settings.
Basic current weather info with alerts
Alert popup.
Detailed current weather info with alerts.
Adding a background image.
Detailed current weather info with alerts and map.
Detailed current and forecast weather with alerts and map.
Detailed current weather. Detailed hourly forecast in table.
System options panel.
Weather page setup.
Basic current weather for multiple cities.