Page And Content Controller Plugin for Wordpress – Professional Edition - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Page and content controller for WordPress plugin is used to define rules for hiding, appending, replacing content for pages, generating, controlling shortcodes, wordpress multisite support, analytics and lot more features…
You can now control pages and content like never before. Zero Coding and solves unlimited number of usecases.
Demo: Click here for demo:
Click here to know how this plugin works
Page Rules are used to define rules for Pages based on the selected logical rule. Below are the important Page Rule features.
Pages and Menu controlling:
- User Profile : Hide pages or Menus using User Id, User Role, Email Id and Guest User.
- Geolocation : Hide pages or Menus using Geolocation like Continent, Country, Region and City.
- Date and Time : Hide Pages using date and time, Month, year, day.
- Page by Request URL: Hide Pages using request URL.
- Soft Page and Menu Hide: Pages are hidden logically but are accessible using direct URL.
- We can control page like never before, define unlimited rules to hide pages and menus.
Append dynamic content to Pages:
Content can be appended dynamically using rules like (User Profile, Geo-location, Date and Time etc.)
- Append dynamic content to the top/bottom of the page, we can also include html tags in dynamic content, more one the supported tags.
- Append dynamic image of different sizes to the top/bottom of the page.
- Append dynamic content with image background.
- Append dynamic content at any location using generated “Shortcode”.
- Show dynamic modal dialog with dynamic content.
- Show dynamic image as modal dialog.
- Show modal dialog with dynamic content and image background.
Analytics features:
- Request by Country : Provides the requests made to the site from each country.
Useful to understand site traffic from different countries. - Requests by Device : Provides the requests made to the site from each device.
Helps you the know the site traffic from different devices. - Page views : This chart provides the unique visitors on daily basis.
We can further refine the Page view report by selecting an individual pages. See screenshots. - Unique visitors : This chart provides the unique visitors on daily basis.
We can further refine the Unique visitors per page by selecting an individual pages. See screenshots. - No javascript : Customers don’t required to add any javascript to pages for analytics.
This is a pure wordpress api based analytics. - Enable or disable Analytics : Enable or disable data capturing for analytics.
- Supported Chart Types:
- Pie Chart
- Donut Chart
- XY Line Chart
- Bar Chart
- Area Spline Chart
- Area Chart
Special features:
- Wordpress Multisite support : This plugin works with multisite, Customer can define page rules per individual site.
- Complex Rule Support : Using this plugin we can define a very complex rule for hiding or appending content. i.e. Hide or append page content using logical rule like User is from US and accesing between dates and having user role as Editor etc
- Generate Shortcode : This plugin has an unique feature of generating the short code dynamically. This feature is very helpful if you would like to control page content dynamically using short code.
- Controlling Third-Party Shortcode : Control Third-Party shortcodes dynamically using logical rule. This feature is very useful if you do not like to render the Third-Party shortcode on some pages.
- Redirect URL : Support Redirect URL for the pages which are hidden or restricted.
- High Performance : All rules are evaluated at once and cached, this reduces the evaluation of rule for every request.
- Exclude from Search : Excludes hidden pages from search.
- Replace page content : Replaces complete page content.
- Translation Ready : Localization ready, pot file included in this plugin.
- Activate or Deactivate : Acitivate or deactivate a Rule.
How it works: