Papernap‑Free Expert Reviews. Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Install the app and add expert reviews to your product page. Keep your users engage and help them understand your product or the product category well.
Often your customers have a hard time deciding what to buy, help them by adding expert reviews to your shop. Example – if you are selling shoes on your site. Our app adds expert reviews about your shoes, such as – Why buy these shoes? How to wash your shoes? How to wear them?
This plugin is relying on API service that we have created to fetch the data from our server and it is hosted on our server. On each product page to fetch the relevant reviews, we use this API. We’ve hosted this api on and using this URL to fetch the data via self created & hosted API services.
On activating the plugin, admin(Shop Owner) will be redirected to ‘’ where shop owner has to make his account and add the categories his store is serving to his customers, so that we will show only those reviews to customers which are relevant to those categories.
Add expert reviews to your store by installing our app.
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