Patreon WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Bring Patreon features to your WordPress website and make them work together. You can even easily import your existing Patreon posts and keep your Patreon posts synced to your WP site automatically! Your patron-only content at your WordPress site will encourage your visitors to become your patrons to unlock your content.
You can lock any single post or all of your posts! You can also lock any custom post type. Your visitors can log into your site via Patreon, making it easier for them to use your site in addition to accessing your locked content.
This plugin is developed and maintained by Patreon.
- Choose one of your tiers or a minimum pledge amount necessary to access a post or custom post
- All patrons with pledge at or above that minimum tier will be able to access your post
- Alternatively, you can set a minimum pledge amount to see all posts
- Visitors who are not your patrons can click the “Unlock with Patreon” button on the locked post to pledge to you and access content
- Visitors will be automatically redirected to Patreon, pledge to you and come back to your site to original unlocked post
- Plugin will automatically log in Patreon users
- Import your existing Patreon posts, with Video and images
- Sync your Patreon posts as you go
- Choose the post type, category which posts will be synced to
- Choose the author to be used for synced posts
- Your posts will be automatically updated as you add/update/delete your Patreon posts
- Set custom HTML that non-patrons see instead of the post, prompting them to become a patron
- Patreon WordPress is compatible with Paid Memberships Pro – you can gate your content with either plugin
- Patreon pledges are matched with Paid Memberships Pro monthly memberships – works out of the box with no changes
- Any Patreon patron or Paid Memberships Pro member who qualifies for content via either plugin will access content
You can post entirely independently on your WordPress site from your Patreon page. There is no need for WordPress and Patreon posts to correspond to one another in content or in locked status. The choice is up to you as a creator.
Got ideas? Post them on our Patreon WordPress Ideas Thread
- This plugin adds a “Unlock with Patreon” button to every post you lock.
- “Unlock with Patreon” takes care of everything: whether they’re not a patron yet, or they need to upgrade their pledge, or if they are already pledging enough, the plugin will guide them through the process and back to your content
- Extend this free basic WordPress plugin with your own inter-operable plugins that install side by side.
- Rapidly develop patron-only WordPress features without initial overhead
- Immediately usable by existing Patreon creators running this plugin
Learn more in our developer portal.
This plugin is provided by Patreon for free.
Install the Patreon WordPress Plugin
- Install & activate the plugin
- The setup wizard will kick in, helping you to easily connect your WordPress site and Patreon in only two clicks
- That’s it!
Your plugin is now set up and you can start making your posts patron only!
Gating Posts
When posting a new post or editing an existing post (or a custom post type) you will see a dropdown in the right hand column titled “Patreon Level”.
This box shows a dropdown of your Patreon tiers. When you select a Patreon tier and then update the post, visitors will need to be your patrons from that tier level or above to be able to access that post.
To make a locked post public again, just choose “Everyone” from the select box and update your post.
Protecting Videos
It is difficult to protect videos due the intensive bandwidth requirements of hosting video and having to rely on third parties such as Youtube or Vimeo. Youtube allows you to set videos to ‘private’ but Vimeo offers extra controls by only allowing videos to be played on specific domains. Visit this guide to protecting your video content with Vimeo.
An example gated patron-only post
Example permission screen when a site user unlocks a post
Example unlocked patron-only post