PaymeButtons For Stripe Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
What is PaymeButtons for Stripe?
PaymeButtons for Stripe is an awesome alternative to PayPals buy now, pay now and donation buttons. With PaymeButtons for Stripe you can start accepting credit card payments on your site in minutes no coding required.
Although many payment plugins charge you upon successful transactions PaymeButtons for Stripe do NOT charge any fees for transactions. You will get charged only by Stripe.
You can place the created buttons on any websites not just on your WordPress site pages or posts.
If you do Email marketing you can insert PaymeButtons for Stripe buttons into your email source code and send it via email so your subscribers can pay you by a single click.
Place PaymeButtons for Stripe Buy Now, Pay Now or Donation buttons anywhere from you wish to receive payments.
The possibilities are endless!
With PaymeButtons for Stripe you dont have to create payment forms or thank you pages it is already done for you upon the plugin activation.
Professional responsive Ajax loaded checkout form included with 4 color schemes, looks perfect on any devices included mobiles, tablets and desktops. (Check out the Screenshots)
PaymeButtons for Stripe has an amazing built in Button Generator feature that you can use to create your beautiful payment buttons. You can set up your button text, button size; button color and if you wish you can add your custom button images.
Choose from Buy Now, Pay Now and Donation button types. Show-hide billing details on your form, add your item name, price, currency or any custom data using the extras field.
PaymeButtons for Stripe Features (Free Version)
Checkout Forms
- Responsive Ajax powered checkout and donation forms included with 4 color schemes.
- Display item name, currency and price, accept payments in multiple currencies.
- Advanced form validation and Ajax powered secure form processing – no page redirects.
- E-mail notification upon successful payment. (Via Stripe)
Ajax Button Generator Features
- Place the created buttons on any websites not just on your WordPress site.
- Create your Buy Now, Pay Now and Donation Buttons.
- Choose your button type. (Buy Now or Donations)
- Use the Extras field to add any extra details. (E.g. item ID)
- Add your product or service description.
- Set up your price.
- Multiple currency lists.
- Select your button text. (Buy Now, Pay Now or Donate)
- Select your button size. (Small, Medium and Large)
- Select your button color. (Silver, Orange, Blue and Green)
- Add a custom button image.
- Encoded or Decoded button link.
Form Options
- Select form style, 4 color schemes included. (Silver, Orange, Blue and Green)
- Show/Hide billing details on the checkout form.
- Select donation form default currency.
- Specify donation form purpose field text content.
- Show/Hide customer name field.
- Customize your thank you message.
- Specify your Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy pages URL.
- Show/ Hide the above pages on the checkout form.
For more information check out our documentation.
Visit: [PaymeButtons for Stripe Docs]( PaymeButtons for Stripe)
Recommended Reading [PaymeButtons for Stripe User Guide]( PaymeButtons for Stripe User Guide)
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