Payment Form Builder Plugin For WooCommerce - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Payment Form Builder Plugin for WooCommerce
The Payment Form Builder Plugin for WooCommerce allows customers to create the quotation for creating orders on their behalf of any service. Admin can approve and disapprove the quotation as per the availability of resources.
Then, the admin can create the order from the backend and a link will be sent to the guest users and registered customers on their Email Ids to review and complete the order.
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Why the Payment Form Builder Plugin for WooCommerce?
Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ve faced with. We are always happy to help you.
Features of Payment Form Builder for WooCommerce
- Front-end users can send Quick Order Request forms for any product and services.
- The admin can approve and disapprove the quotation.
- The admin can create the order for the registered customer as well as guest users.
- Along with the WooCommerce products, the admin can add services and their description.
- The order supports multiple payment options like PayPal, Stripe, cash on delivery, and others.
- Admin can also add a note while creating any new order for the customer
- The admin can create an order and send the order URL to the customer to complete it.
- The customer will receive a link via email to complete the order.
- From the front end, customers can review their order which the admin has created for the customer, and place the order.
- When the order is completed the customer will receive an email for confirmation.
- The customer can track the orders under the “My Orders” section.
- If any support and services are required for the plugin, the admin can request the Support and Services.
Highlighted Features
1-Request For Quotation-
Front-end users can create a quote for the product and services.
2- Quoted Orders processed by admin-
The store owner can create an order and send the order URL to the customer to complete it.
3-Generated invoice preview by customer
Customers can review the details of their orders and they will receive an order confirmation via email once the order is completed.
4-Multiple Payment Methods:
The module supports multiple payment methods, and store owners can assign different payment invoices in orders.
Business Use
With The plugin “WooCommerce Payment Form Builder” module, store owners can create orders on behalf of customers from the admin backend. A link will be sent to the customer via their registered email id to complete the order. Customers will use this link to complete their orders.
Customers can view or edit order information, such as product name, price, quantity, discount, tax, shipping, and handling, before completing the order. In addition to WooCommerce store products, store admins can add service products and upload attachments using this quick command.
Moreover, it helps to increase the revenue of the WooCommerce website.
Success Story
Change Log
"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 1.0.1"
1.0.1 (23-01-15) Fixed: issues and improve coding standards.
1.0.0 Initial release