PayPal Donation Buttons + MailChimp Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This easy to use PayPal Donation For WordPress allows you to place a PayPal donation button within your WordPress theme. Choose between 9 standard PayPal donation buttons or use your own custom button. Also PayPal Donation button used in Page, Post and Widget with a shortcode.
- Provide shortcode
Insert the button in your pages or posts with this shortcode
- Provide widget
- Provide custome button
- Provide PayPal IPN url ( paypal notify_url ), instant payment notification
- Provide return url ( Thank you page)
- Provide provide multi currency support
- Provide credit cart payment system
List of Donation with below field
- Transaction ID
- Name / Company
- Amount
- Transaction Type
- Payment status
- Date
- All the field are available in detail view
Provide MultiLanguage support
Donation Confirmation Email
- Admin ( store admin )
- Donor ( PayPal payer email)
MailChimp API
- Automatically add email addresses to your MailChimp user list(s) when donation are processed on your PayPal account.
Going to launch soon
Version 1.1.1 include below feature
- display donation revenue in different type of charts with shortcode functionality
- Create unlimited donation button using different shortcode
- Donation confirmation email visual editor
- your suggestion I will include in this versions
Setting up plugin page.
plugin help page.
widget setting page.
shortcode page.
donation list.
Email sending page.
Provided MailChimp functionality.