PeoplePond Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
PeoplePond provides the tools needed to take ownership of your online identity and reputation management.
The PeoplePond Plugin:
- Retrieves your About Me profile from PeoplePond and displays it on your About page on your blog.
- Please see the Screenshots for examples.
Need to setup your PeoplePond account?
- Please click here to register.
Note to Drupal Users:
- Please install our Drupal module, which displays your PeoplePond About Me profile on your Drupal site.
PeoplePond currently supports over 300 services including:
- 12seconds
- 30 Boxes
- 43marks
- 43 People
- 43 Places
- 43 Things
- 97 Bottles
- ActiveRain
- Adocu
- AgencyScoop
- All Consuming
- Amazon
- Amazon Wish List
- Amie Street
- aNobii
- ArtWanted
- Ask500People
- Associated Content
- BackType
- Badoo
- Bambuser
- Bebo
- Behance Network
- Big Contact
- Bikejournal
- Biznik
- BlackPlanet
- Blinklist
- Blippr
- BlogCatalog
- Blogger
- Bloglines
- Blue Dot (Faves)
- Bonnaroo
- Break
- Brightkite
- Bring Light
- Buzznet
- CafePress
- Call of Duty
- carbonmade
- Chickipedia
- claimID
- Clipmarks
- Cluztr
- coComment
- COLOURlovers
- Concrete Hermit
- Cork’d
- CouchSurfing
- Crackle
- crunchyroll
- Crusher
- Current
- Curse
- Dailymile
- Dailymotion
- Daily Mugshot
- Dancejam
- Deezer
- Delicious
- deviantART
- digFoot
- Digg
- Diigo
- Dipity
- Discogs
- Disqus
- Dodgeball
- Dopplr
- Dotspotter
- Douban
- Driftr
- Ebay
- Ecademy
- eMusic
- Energize and Engage
- esnips
- Etsy
- Extratasty
- Facebook Pages
- FanFiction
- Favtape
- Ffffound
- Finetune
- Flickr
- Flixster
- FoodFeed
- Fotolog
- Fotonauts
- FriendFeed
- Friendster
- Funny or Die
- Furl
- Fuzz
- Gaia
- gamerDNA
- GameSpot
- Gcast
- Get Satisfaction
- GitHub
- Glogster
- GoneTooSoon
- Goodreads
- Goodreads Author
- Goodrec
- Google Profiles
- Google Reader
- Groovr
- Guitar Hero
- Gyminee
- HelloTxt
- hi5
- Houndbite
- Howcast
- Hulu
- Humble Voice
- Hype Machine
- Hyves
- I Can Has Cheezburger
- identoo
- iJigg
- iLike
- iLike Artist
- Imdb
- Imeem
- iminta
- Instructables
- Intense Debate
- Inuyasha FanFiction
- iReport
- iseecolor
- Issuu
- iTunes PodCast
- Jaiku
- JamBase
- JamLegend
- Jumpcut
- Kaboodle
- Kirtsy
- Kiva
- Lala
- Label
- Music
- LetsMakeRobots
- LibraryThing
- Lijit
- LiveJournal
- Ma.gnolia
- MapMyRide
- My Mashable
- Meetup
- Mister Wong
- Mixx
- Modelmayhem
- MoFuse
- momentile
- Mufin
- Multiply
- My Alltop
- MyBlogLog
- My Cycling Log
- MyFolio
- myOpenID
- MySpace
- NaNoWriMo
- Naymz
- Neopets
- Netflix
- Netvibes
- Newsvine
- Ning
- NowPublic
- Odeo
- Odeo Channel
- orkut
- Pandora
- PeoplePond
- Photobucket
- Photophlow
- PhotoShelter
- Picasa
- Pikchur
- Plaxo
- Playfire
- Plinky
- Plurk
- PostCrossing
- Posterous
- Pownce
- Project Playlist
- Propeller
- Publr
- Quotiki
- Qype
- Raptr
- Rate Your Music
- Reader2
- RedBubble
- Red Room
- RedWire
- ReverbNation Artist
- ReverbNation Fan
- RI Nexus
- RockBand
- Ryze
- Scribd
- Seesmic
- Serious Eats
- ShareThis
- Shelfari
- Simpy
- Six Groups
- Skitch
- Skyrock
- SlideShare
- Snooth
- Socialthing
- SocialURL
- SparkPeople
- Squidoo
- Stack Overflow
- Steam
- Streem
- Stumbleupon
- Swurl
- Tag Foot
- Tagged
- Taringa!
- Technorati
- The DJ List
- Thesixtyone
- ThisNext
- Threadless
- Tioti
- Traackr
- Trendrr
- Tribe Hollywood Profile
- Tribe Hollywood Project
- TripAdvisor
- Tripit
- Trulia
- TubeMogul
- Tumblr
- Twello
- Twine
- Twitpic
- TwitterMoms
- Twitxr
- TypeKey
- Upcoming
- Veoh
- Viddler
- Videojug
- Vidoop
- Vimeo
- Virb
- Viviti
- VKontakte
- Vodpod
- Vox
- Wakoopa
- Weavemet
- Webshots
- We Heart It
- WhatPulse
- Where’s George?
- Wikipedia English
- Wikipedia Spanish
- Windows Live Profiles
- Windows Live Spaces
- Wink
- Wishlistr
- Wordie
- Xanga
- Xbox LIVE
- Xfire
- Yahoo! 360
- Yahoo! Answers
- Yahoo! Live
- Yahoo! Profiles
- Yelp
- YouNoodle
- YouTube
- YouVersion
- YowTrip
- Zannel
- Zazzle
- Zedge
- Ziki
- Zillow
- ZoomInfo
- Zoomr
- Zorpia
- Zune Social
For the latest news, please follow @PeoplePond on Twitter.
Change History
Rev 1.1.9 2009-Jun-13
- Tested with WordPress 2.8.
Rev 1.1.8 2009-May-06
- Updated code to return the content in the hook peoplepond_the_content().
Rev 1.1.7 2009-Apr-25
- Added new services.
Rev 1.1.6 2009-Apr-17
- Added new services.
Rev 1.1.5 2009-Apr-13
- Added site= parameter to About data call.
Rev 1.1.4 2009-Apr-06
- Updated to optimize the refreshing of About data.
Rev 1.1.3 2009-Apr-05
- Updated About-page refreshes to key off of (embedded div tag) plugin version string, “PeoplePond-v”.
Rev 1.1.2 2009-Mar-29
- Added new services.
Rev 1.1.1 2009-Mar-22
- Updated plugin-version-number div tag (for validation compliance) to “PeoplePond-vX.X.X”.
Rev 1.1.0 2009-Mar-18
- Added link on plugin homepage to PeoplePond Drupal plugin.
Rev 1.0.9 2009-Mar-14
- Include surrounding plugin-version-number div tag on post_content written to WP database.
- Add PeoplePond services.
Rev 1.0.8 2009-Mar-10
- Updates to Bio on now refresh immediately on About page.
Rev 1.0.7 2009-Mar-08
- Changed link on Settings page “Please send us feedback and suggestions” to be anchor to contact_us page.
Rev 1.0.6 2009-Mar-07
- Added link on Settings page for “Please send us feedback and suggestions”.
- Added PeoplePond logo to Settings page.
- Upon pressing Save button (in Settings), existing About page now saved as {AboutPageName}-year-month-day-hour-minutes-seconds.
Rev 1.0.5 2009-Mar-04
- Added checkbox options for: Display Bio, Display Image, Display Image Wrapped, and Display Social Website Links.
Rev 1.0.4 2009-Mar-02
- Updated settings page to be similar Drupal-module version for continuity.
Rev 1.0.3 2009-Feb-28
- Upon every About page load, the content is refreshed from ADAM.
- If an original About page exists, it is saved and deactivated (becomes a “draft”).
- Added social=yes.
Rev 1.0.2 2009-Feb-27
- Added About Page drop-down for user to choose from.
- When creating a new about page, save (and unpublish) original about page.
Rev 1.0.1 2009-Feb-22
- Initial revision.