Peter’s Collaboration E-mails Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Enhance the “Submit for Review” feature for Contributor users. This plugin enables automatic e-mails to the relevant users at the different post status transitions: when posts are pending; when they are approved or scheduled; and when their statuses are changed from “pending” back to “draft”.
When a Contributor user submits an article for review: The plugin e-mails a list of approvers of your choice, letting them know that there is a post ready for review, and giving them a link to edit the post.
When a post is approved: The original Contributor user gets an e-mail saying that their post has been approved and who it was approved by. If the post was directly published, the author is given a link to read the post as the whole world sees it. If the post is scheduled to be published, the author is informed of the time that their post will go live. When the post does go live, the author will get another e-mail informing him / her of that. Similarly, if a post is first marked as “private”, the author will be e-mailed if the post is changed to “public”.
Also when a post is approved: the approver user ID is stored as a custom field “approver_user_id”
When a post’s status is changed back to “draft” from “pending”: The original Contributor user gets an e-mail saying that their post has been reverted back to a draft, along with a link to edit and re-submit the post.
When used with Peter’s Post Notes, users can leave notes to accompany the e-mails for each step in the workflow.
- es_ES translation by Guillermo Jimeno Espinosa and Luis González Jaime
- it_IT translation by Massimo Santi
- fr_FR translation by Romain
- ja translation by Kazuhiro Terada and Hijili Kosugi
- pt_BR translation by Murillo Ferrari
- ro_RO translation by Gabriel Berzescu
- pl_PL translation by Michal Rozmiarek
- de_DE translation by Rian Klijn of
- nl_NL translation by Rene of and Dennis Koot
- ru_RU translation by Doktor Bro of
- tr translation by Can Kaya
- lt_LT translation by Vincent G of
- ca translation by Aleix of
- da_DK translation by Tom of
- id_ID translation by Syamsul Alam of
- cs_CZ translation by Michal Kuk
- ga translation by Jordan Silaen
- WordPress 3.2 or higher
For version 1.4.0 and lower of the plugin, note that if you are using SMTP to send e-mails, WordPress up to and including version 2.9 has a bug in sending to multiple recipients. A fix is described at