PhotoSmash Galleries Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
PhotoSmash Galleries makes it easy to create photo galleries in posts or pages that your users can upload images to. PhotoSmash has incredibly flexible and simple models for designing custom photo gallery and form layouts, utilizing your own custom database fields, html, and css, or just use the standard.
- WordPress Help Forum
- Help Forum (deprecated)
- Help Videos
- Demo Gallery
- PhotoSmash iPhone App on the App Store
For support and more documentation, visit the plugin’s new homepage: PhotoSmash
- PhotoSmash iPhone App – Available on the App Store! Lets you and your site’s users browse your images and upload images to galleries using your custom fields, tags, etc
- User contributable photo galleries – allow your users to upload images to galleries
- Map your images using Google Maps API V.3 – simple to use (see Changelog for details)
- Media RSS is enabled, supports PicLens (activated by including piclens=true in the shortcode)
- Link gallery thumbnails to various destinations including full-size image, related post, and WP Attachment Page when using Media Library integration
- Add images to the WordPress Media Library so you can use them in blog posts and even the Standard WordPress Image Gallery features
- Multiple simultaneous image uploads in Admin, using the WordPress Media Library, then import images to PhotoSmash!
- AJAX photo uploads from within Posts and Pages
- Star Ratings for images
- Control who can upload images: admin only, authors & contributors (and higher), or registered users and higher
- Moderate images uploaded by registered users (Admins and authors are automatically approved)
- Receive email alerts for new images that need to be moderated
- Options page for setting general defaults or specific gallery settings
- Auto-adding of photo galleries
- Multiple galleries per post, added using a simple tag system
- Integrates with popular image viewing systems like Lightbox and Shadowbox
- Tweak appearance through the included css file
- Add Custom Fields to tile
- Add Custom Fields to the upload form
- Create Custom Upload forms using simple tags and HTML
- Create Custom Layouts using simple tags and HTML
Example gallery
Widgets – random, recent, random tag, highest rated
Menu pages for PhotoSmash and Extend