PHP Shortcode Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

PHP Shortcode Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Based on kukukuan’s Inline PHP, this plugin allows you to embed and run PHP code in posts, pages or widgets* with a WordPress shortcode.

(* Requires a shortcode enabled widget plugin, such as Section Widget.)


The plugin provides two pairs of shortcodes – [php]code[/php] and [echo]code[/echo]. these two pairs of shortcodes resembles the functionality of the <?php code ?> and <?= code ?> tags in a normal PHP script, respectively.

For example:

The answer to the <em>ultimate</em> math challenge, <strong>1+2</strong>, is...
  $a = 1;
  $b = 2;

  echo $a + $b;

Will become:

The answer to the <em>ultimate</em> math challenge, <strong>1+2</strong>, is...

The [echo] tag will automatically print the returned value of the first expression. Therefore, [echo]some_function()[/echo] is essentially equivalent to [php]echo some_function()[/php].

Some Important Notes

** This plugin will change the priority of the do_shortcode filter. If you are experiencing any conflict with other shortcode plugins, please disable the plugin and report the problem in the forums. **

Although I said the shortcode pairs resembles a <?php code ?> tag pair, there is an important difference. The PHP code in the shortcodes are executed in a “throw-away” local namespace, instead of the global one. All variables defined in a [php] code [/php] block cannot be accessed outside the block. Therefore, this will not work:

  $a = 1;
  $b = 2;

The answer to the <em>ultimate</em> math challenge, <strong>1+2</strong>, is... [echo]$a+$b[/echo]

And neither would this:

  $my_array = array('apple','orange');

  foreach($my_array as $fruit):

I like [echo]$fruit[/echo]


To work around the first problem, you may use the global keyword:

  global $a, $b;
  $a = 1;
  $b = 2;

The answer to the <em>ultimate</em> math challenge, <strong>1+2</strong>, is... [php]global $a, $b; echo $a+$b[/php]

And to work around the second problem, you may use “real” PHP closing tags within your [php] code [/php] block to switch between PHP and HTML mode:

  $my_array = array('apple','orange');

  foreach($my_array as $fruit):

I like <?php echo $fruit; ?>


(Yes, it is a bit weird… you’d probably want to avoid doing that if possible.)


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