PlaceSurf Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin adds 1 button to the Wordpress Editor. It allows you to quickly and easily add clickable links in your blog that when clicked jump to a location in Google Earth.
No knowledge of KML required!
More info at
Google Earth is free and can be downloaded here.
Keywords: googleearth, google earth, kml, kmz, latitude, longitude, longtitude, location, gps, geotag, geotagging, gpx, geographic, tagging, google maps, googlemaps, maps, map, placesurf, place surf, place, geocode, geocoding, georss, routes, tracks, umapper, openstreet, yahoo maps, bing maps, coordinates, geocache, geocaching, geolocation, geo location, openstreetmap, osm, gps tracking, position, mapquest, geoblog, geoblogging
Language Support: The plugin interface is in English.
PlaceSurf wordpress screen – you use this to create the links.
PlaceSurf link – this is what the link looks like in your blog after its created and published.
Finally Google Earth opens up like this when the link is clicked.