Portfolio Magic Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
With this plugin you are able to create beautiful sorting gallery pages.
The plugin lets you add your portfolio page or featured posts using short code, this plugin will also add a custom post type called ‘Portfolio’ to your site and will let you have beautiful single portfolio pages.
Working with the plugin:
The plugin will add a portfolio custom post type to your dashboard, first save the permalinks.
Open a new portfolio item Portfolio > add new and add your title and text, you can upload a featured image that will be used as your portfolio post, in order to include inner images in a portfolio page, add a new wordpress gallery add media > create gallery, after you add your gallery go to text mode and add size=“full”
example >
don’t forget to add a categories to your portfolio’s posts.
[takira_bricks] – Makes a grid of your full portfolio posts with sorting capabilities by category.
[takira_carousel] – Adds a smaller ‘featured’ section to your homepage or any page you like.
[takira_carousel title=’some title’ subtitle=‘your sub title’ all=‘view all’ height=’200′] – You can easily add ‘title’ ‘subtitle’ or ‘height’ to change the layout on the frontend, you can also use view=‘’ to change the default view all button in the galley.
If you want to override the single-portfolio.php, you need to create a folder called pm-templates in your theme folder and create a file new file your-theme/pm-templates/single-portfolio.php .
Hope you will enjoy this plugin, visit us here(http://takirathemes.com/forums/forum/magic-portfolio/), for support on this product.
Other Credits
This plugin uses MixItUp project, a jquery plugin, MixItUp project is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license
Portfolio Page
Portfolio Responsive Slider
Admin Portfolio Custom Post Type
Single Portfolio Page
Choose images to display in single portfolio