Post Case Converter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Post Case Converter Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The Post Title Case Converter plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to easily convert the titles of post types in WordPress to different cases.
Whether you want to convert post titles to uppercase, lowercase, or capitalized case, this plugin has got you covered.


  • Convert post titles to uppercase case.
  • Convert post titles to lowercase case.
  • Convert post titles to capitalized case.


  1. Once the plugin is activated, you can find the “Post Title Case Converter” menu under the “Tools” section in the WordPress admin menu.
  2. Click on the “Post Title Case Converter” menu to access the converter tool.
  3. On the converter tool page, select the post type you want to convert the titles for from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the desired case conversion option: uppercase, lowercase, or capitalized.
  5. Click the “Convert” button to initiate the conversion process.
  6. The plugin will display a table with the post titles before and after the conversion.
  7. You can edit individual post titles by clicking the “Edit” button in the corresponding row.


For any queries or assistance with the Post Case Converter plugin, you can reach out to our support team by sending an email to or visiting our website


  • This plugin is released under the GPLv3 license. You can find the full license text here.
  • License: GPLv3
  • License URI:


  1. Select post type to edit

    Select post type to edit

  2. Select post type conversion case

    Select post type conversion case

  3. Edit and change the post type case

    Edit and change the post type case

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