Posts Block Lite Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Posts Block Lite Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Posts Block Lite adds a Posts block to the block editor inserter that can be added to display posts in a list, grid or carousel.

Upgrade to Pro at


  • Responsive
  • Settings
    • Block alignment
    • Layout
    • List
    • Grid
    • Carousel
    • Text alignment
    • Post type [Pro]
    • Number of posts
    • Order by
    • Order
    • Number of columns
    • Column gutter width
    • Display featured image
    • Display title
    • Add heading to title
    • Title heading
    • Display author
    • Display date
    • Display excerpt
    • Maximum number of words in excerpt
    • Display content
    • Display link
    • Link text
    • Carousel
    • Display dots
    • Display arrows
    • Infinite
    • Speed
    • Slides to show
    • Slides to scroll
  • Styles
    • Color
      • Text
      • Background
      • Link
      • Carousel dots [Pro]
      • Carousel dots hover [Pro]
      • Carousel arrows [Pro]
      • Carousel arrows hover [Pro]
    • Typography
      • Font family
      • Font size
      • Appearance
      • Line height
      • Letter spacing
      • Text decoration
      • Letter case
    • Dimensions
      • Padding
      • Margin
      • List post padding [Pro]
      • List post margin [Pro]
      • Grid post padding [Pro]
      • Grid post margin [Pro]
      • Carousel post padding [Pro]
      • Carousel post margin [Pro]
      • Featured image padding [Pro]
      • Featured image margin [Pro]
      • Title padding [Pro]
      • Title margin [Pro]
      • Meta padding [Pro]
      • Meta margin [Pro]
      • Excerpt padding [Pro]
      • Excerpt margin [Pro]
      • Content padding [Pro]
      • Content margin [Pro]
      • Link padding [Pro]
      • Link margin [Pro]
  • Variations [Pro]
    • List [Pro]
    • Grid [Pro]
    • Carousel [Pro]



Posts Block Lite will output a Posts block with the following HTML structure:

<ul class="wp-block-tt-posts wp-block-tt-posts-6">
    <li class="wp-block-tt-posts-post">
        <div class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-featured-image”>
            <img class=“wp-block-tt-posts-post-thumbnail” src=“#”>
        <h3 class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-title">
            <a href=“#”>Title</a>
        <div class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-meta">
            <span class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-meta-date">Posted <time class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-meta-date-time" datetime="2023-11-01T12:00:00+00:00">November 1, 2023</time></span>
        <div class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-excerpt">Excerpt</div>
        <a class="wp-block-tt-posts-post-link" href=“#”>Read more</a>


If you need help with Posts Block Lite, please submit a ticket on the Support forum.


If you like Posts Block Lite and would like to support it’s future development, how about buying me a coffee?


If you would like to contribute to the development of Posts Block Lite, the repository is located on GitHub.


Posts Block Lite is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2).


  • WordPress 6.0 or greater
  • PHP version 7.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.7 or greater or MariaDB version 10.3 or greater.



  1. Posts block added from the block inserter.

    Posts block added from the block inserter.

  2. Posts block variations <strong>[Pro]</strong>.

    Posts block variations [Pro].

  3. Posts block with default settings.

    Posts block with default settings.

  4. Posts block with list view settings.

    Posts block with list view settings.

  5. Posts block with grid view settings.

    Posts block with grid view settings.

  6. Posts block with carousel settings.

    Posts block with carousel settings.

  7. Posts block on the front end.

    Posts block on the front end.

Reviews & Comments