Posts By Taxonomy Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Display a posts or custom post types in a list seperated by tags, categories or a custom taxonomy via a simple shortcode. Enable test mode to allow a visualization of how many posts are currently being displayed. Future updates will also include a default pageniation along with alternative paginations such as infinate scroll.
Simple display using default settings:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’]
Simple display in “Test Mode”:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ testing=’true’]
Select a specific post type:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’]
Select a specific post type and use a custom taxonomy:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’]
Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy and add quantity to disply per taxonomy:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5]
Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy and add a fallback url:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’]
Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy, add a fallback url, and display with Search and Filter:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’ s-and-f=123]
Select a specific post type, custom taxonomy, add quantity to disply per taxonomy, add a fallback url, display with Search and Filter, and exclude tags:
[bbwd-post-display post-type=’your-Post-Type-Slug’ taxonomy=’your-Tax-Slug’ post-per-section=5 fallback-image=’’ s-and-f=123 exclude=’123, 222′]
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