WordPress Posted Display - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Plug-in Posted Display Widget & ShortCode Add. You can also save and display your browsing history to Cookie.
- Save your browsing history of the posts to Cookie, you can view the information in the widget and the short code.
- You can create a widget and a short code that can display the posts in any.
- You can view the information in the widget and the short code posts that belong to any category ID.(Multiple specified)
- You can view the information in the widget and the short code posts that belong to any tag ID.(Multiple specified)
- You can view the information in the widget and the short code posts that belong to any user ID.(Multiple specified)
- When the output type is category, tag or user, when ID is not specified, it is automatically acquired from information of post page.
In a Posts or Pages
You can use the short code in the Posts or Pages. It is possible to get a short code with the registered template list, use Copy.
You can specify the maximum number to be displayed by changing the value of the posts.
[ Example ]
if ( shortcode_exists( 'wp-posted-display' ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[wp-posted-display id="1" posts="5" sort="0"]' );
ShortCode Params Sorted by
- sort=”0″: Input order
- sort=”1″: Date descending order
- sort=”2″: Date ascending order
- sort=”3″: Random
- email to foundationmeister[at]outlook.com
- twitter @miiitaka
Create an HTML template to be output in the Widget.
“Posted Display” has been added to the Widget. Display to select the template you created.