Postscript Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
No more shoehorning stylesheets and JavaScripts into the post content box. No more loading scripts on every post that only a few use. Postscript lets you easily add libraries or single-post script and style files post-by-post.
The plugin uses the WordPress “enqueue” methods, which means you can control dependencies (when registering scripts), improve site performance by putting styles in the head and scripts in the footer, and eliminate loading multiple copies of the same library (jQuery, I’m looking at you).
Enqueue Registered Styles and Scripts (by Handle)
Use the Postscript meta box (Edit Post screen) to enqueue registered styles and scripts (listed by handle in checkboxes).
Enqueue Unregistered Styles, Scripts, and Data Files (by URL)
For each post, you can also enqueue unregistered files, by entering URLs in the meta box text fields for:
* 1 CSS stylesheet.
* 2 JavaScript URLs, e.g, one JSON data file and one script file.
Add Post and Body Classes
And for each post, you can add:
* A classname, to the HTML body tag (requires body_class()
in theme).
* A classname, to class="post"
list (inserted by WordPress, requires post_class()
in theme).
Settings and Security
The Settings screen lets you control which user-roles and post-types display the Postscript meta box and which script/style handles users are allowed to enqueue.
Edit Post screen Postscript meta box
Settings Page: User Roles, Post Types, URls, and Classes
Settings Page: Tables of Added Scripts and Styles
Settings Page: Remove Scripts and Styles