Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin has prettify.js copied directly from google-code source browser. So your code will look exactly like it does on google-code.
CSS is slightly modified to embolden keywords and types.
See prettify.js for license details (Apache License 2.0). Other files are available under GPLv2.
<pre class="prettyprint">
// Put your code here.
Or with shortcode:
// Put your code here.
Making Code HTML Safe
The plugin automatically makes highlighted code html-safe:
<pre class="prettyprint">
Anything that goes here will be quoted to appear on the page as-is.
For example: <head></head><body></body>
To avoid quoting your code, add dontquote as the first class.
<pre class="dontquote prettyprint">
Remember to quote manually.
For example: <head></head><body></body>
Line Numbering
Line numbdering can be enabled as follows:
<pre class="prettyprint linenums">
// Put your code here.
If you want to start with a line number 42, you can do the following:
<pre class="prettyprint linenums:42">
// Put your code here.
Highlighting Lines
When line numbering is enabled you can highlight one or several lines of code using the highlight class:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-YOURLANG linenums highlight:2,4">
// line 2
// line 3
// line 4
Alternatively you can highlight one or several code segments:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-YOURLANG linenums highlight:1-3,5-6">
// line 2
// line 3
// line 4
// line 5
Note: This feature is not available when line numbering is disabled.
Specifying Language
Most of the time the highlighter will do a good job guessing how to highlight the code. However, to achieve the best result, you should specify the language:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-YOURLANG">
// Put your code here.
Replace YOURLANG with one of the following:
- aea
- agc
- apollo
- bsh
- c
- cc
- cl
- cpp
- cs
- csh
- css-str
- cv
- cxx
- cyc
- default-markup
- el
- fs
- go
- hs
- htm
- html
- java
- js
- json
- lisp
- lua
- m
- ml
- mxml
- perl
- pl
- pm
- proto
- py
- rb
- scala
- scm
- sh
- sql
- vhd
- vhdl
- wiki
- xhtml
- xml
- xsl
- yaml
- yml
Here is a quick example. All the parameters are optional.
[code lang=”scala” start=”1″ highlight=”1-3,6,10-14″ background=”#C0FFB3″]
// Put your code here.
Html quoting can be disabled as follows:
[code quote=”false”]
// Put your code here.
The contents of shortcodes is auto-formatted by WP. As a result <p> and <br/> tags along
with some formatting will be lost. If you need to preseve the original formatting use
html notation instead of the shortcode.
Please Support
If you like Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter plugin, please donate a minute of your time and vote for it. Thank you!