Pricing Deals For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
A great plugin to offer discount pricing and marketing deals on your Woocommerce website!
Create a rule tailored to the deal you want. Pricing Deals for Woocommerce is a powerful discounting tool that helps you create both Dyanmic Cart Pricing discounts and Catalog Price (wholesale) discounts.
- Streamlined Processing
- NEW Discount Rule Screen Layout
- NEW Select Group options
- NEW BOGO Function – “Discount Equal or Lesser Value Item”
- NEW Clone Rule Function
- WordPress 6.0+
- Gutenberg
- WooCommerce 7.0+
- PHP 8.1+
- Bogo Deals (buy one get one)
- Category Pricing
- Bulk Pricing in a single rule! Use the Bulk option for simple deals as well!
- Catalog Pricing
- Schedulable
- Advertise the deal on your site (shortcodes )
- Multilanguage support through qTranslateX or GTranslate
- Order History CART discount reporting
- Percent Discount
- Fixed Amount Discounts (applied across a group or individually)
- Package Pricing
- Discount Cheapest / Most Expensive / Equal or Lesser Value Item
Pricing Deals FREE
- NEW Select (Include or Exclude) by:
- Whole Store
- Variation name Across Products
- Brands
- Groups
- Members
- Bulk Discounts
- Buy 5 get a discount, buy 10 get a larger discount
- Buy $10 get a discount, buy $100 get a larger discount
- BOGO Deals (Buy one get one)
- Buy 1, get next 1 at a discount
- Cart Deal activation by Woo Coupon
- Catalog Pricing
- Show the discount directly in the catalog pricing display.
- Marketing
- Theme Sales and Promotions Marketing by displaying the Rule message via shortcode (One Day Sale!)
- Show a Cart discounts directly in the Unit Price, or as an automatically-inserted Woo Coupon
Pricing Deals PRO
- Expands functionality by adding many additional features
- NEW Select (Include or Exclude) by:
- Whole Store
- Category, Custom Pricing Deals Category
- Product, Variation
- Variation name Across Products
- Brands
- User Role
- Email or Customer Name
- Groups
- Members
- NEW Advanced Select Group options:
- “And” option – Require One entry in a list to be in the cart to complete the deal
- “Or” option – Any entry in a list can complete the deal
- “Each” option – Require Each entry in a list to be in the cart to complete the deal
- Automatically insert a Free item:
- Set Customer Limits:
- Example: “One per customer”
- Product-level Deal Participation selection
- Retail / Wholesale Product Visibility and Salability control
- Wholesale Tax Free/Buy tax free purchasing
- Add a message next to all Catalog discounts
- Customer Service is as important as the plugin functionality itself
- Support is open 7 days for questions and 1-on-1 assistance.
- Documentation
- Deal Examples
Additional Plugins by
- Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce .. (skinnier pricing deals plugin)
- Cart Deals for WooCommerce .. (skinnier pricing deals plugin)
- Minimum Purchase for WooCommerce
- Maximum Purchase for WooCommerce
- Min or Max Purchase for WooCommerce
Minimum Requirements
- WooCommerce 2.0.14+
- WordPress 3.3+
- PHP 5+
Install Instructions
- Upload the folder
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory of your site - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
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