Primary Blog Switcher For SuperAdmins Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Primary Blog Switcher For SuperAdmins Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

WordPress Multisite network plugin to allow Network Admin to set the “Primary Blog” (aka Primary Site) of a user while editing a user’s profile.

Well, for whatever reasons (usually users fiddling around – I use WP multisite in a school with students grades 4-12), users aren’t attached(or become unattached) to the correct “Primary Blog”.

This isn’t a deal breaker, but annoying when they login and are redirected to a blog that is not their expected primary. It also is annoying when I use other plugins to list user primary blog for display in a member directory, member profiles, etc.

Telling users to reset their primary blog at their own Dashboard->My Blogs is a fix, but the SuperAdmin(Teacher in my case) can head off the confusion first with this plugin. There is no other way(AFAIK) for the Network Admin to set the “Primary Blog” of a user while editing their profile.

Now, I can quickly scan the Network Admin list of users and edit profiles and set primary blogs of any user correctly.

I can also use my Menus plugin to toggle the My Sites menu item so users can no longer fiddle with the Primary Site switcher at all. Problem solved.


The original code for the Primary Site switcher is in wp-admin-includes/ms.php. I’ve basically copied that, but changed get_current_user_id() to $edit_user = (int) $_GET['user_id']; and added it to the “edit_user_profile” hook.

The plugin can be used to add users to a “Special Blog” by uncomment(remove the /* and */) this section in the plugin code and change the $special_blog_id:

<optgroup label="Other Blogs"></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Special Blog">
<?php $special_blog_id = '63'; //
$special_blog = get_blog_details( $special_blog_id ); ?>
<option value='<?php echo $special_blog_id ?>'>http://<?php echo $special_blog->domain.$special_blog->path ?></option>


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