PRO WP ADMIN Free Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The FX Digital Pro Admin WP Plugin has been designed to allow you to allow you to customize the WordPress Admin area so that it is totally client friendly. Your clients will love you, as they will be able to log in, be presented with a nice user friendly dashboard customised to suit their particular needs.
Give your clients the best experience possible, stop them feeling overwhelmed and out of their depth whilst also protecting exactly what they can and cannot do. For those clients new to WordPress you might want to restrict their access levels so that they cannot change themes, add plugins, etc… this is all now possible plus lots more.
Branding Area
In this section you can change the visual aspect of the WordPress Admin area with your own specific information and logo’s, making the admin area your own, in your clients’ eyes.
Global Permissions
In this section you can view and set a whole multitude of options, they are all self-explanatory and again help with the visual aspect presented to the website administrator.
Dashboard Settings
We have included two dashboard panels which can be customised with your own specific content, this information is what is presented to website administrators as soon as they login and see the dashboard. You might for instance, provide login details to your support portal and include a welcome video as we do, however this is completely up to you.
RSS Feed (Paid Version Only)
We produce an enormous amount of content aimed specifically at business owners, this is incorporated in an RSS feed which is displayed on the dashboard. With the paid version of this plugin you can add in your own RSS feed.
Web Admin Permissions
Generally we give website administrators access at this new Web Admin level, they feel as if they are in complete control and within this panel we can specify what they can and cannot do, for example we might want to stop them deleting plugins or pages.
Custom Menu’s (Paid Version Only)
Many WordPress themes and plugins utilise custom menu’s, add in all sorts of items and options within the standard WordPress menu system. Pro admin WP plugin allows you to enable and disable most of these custom menu’s from the menu for the web admin user. This gives you total control of what is shown or hidden from the Web Admin User, give you greater control of the user interface.
Google Analytics
Activate your Google Analytics and show visitor basic statistics within the dashboard area.
- We recommend all users being given access at Web Admin level, this gives you control of what they can and cannot do.
- The main admin account, or super admin account should then be restricted for your use only, unless you are asked to give access at this level.
- This plugin has been hand coded from the ground upwards, we are not simply hiding menu items, we are stopping unathorized users gaining access to specific areas we determine using this plugin.
- Use of this plugin (software) is completely at your risk, we offer no warranty whatsoever and as with the use of all plugins, we recommend ensuring you have a good website backup before installation and use.
Control the way the WordPress Admin Area is Branded
Control what website administrators can and can’t do
Complete Custom Field Support available in Pro Upgraded Version