Product Attributes Shortcode Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Product Attributes Shortcode Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Displays a list of links to all the terms from a specific WooCommerce product attribute via shortcode.

Perfect if, for example, you have a brands attribute with several brand terms (e.g. Apple, Microsoft) and you want to display a list of all the brand terms from this attribute with links to a page containing all products from a particular brand term. Maybe you have a color attribute, you can quickly add a list of all the colors from your store so a customer can click through and see all products that are a particular color.

We created this plugin out of neccessity because WooCommerce includes a “Filter products by attribute” widget, however this has a list of attribute terms which gets reduced once a term is clicked because the terms available are based on the products currently filtered (which could have other filters applied for category and other attributes). We needed to display a static list of terms which does not reduce as you click the terms to include in the footer of a website, we have also added the option to choose whether the term link should be a shop filter or an archive based link.

You can add the shortcode anywhere in your site, such as in pages, posts, widgets and directly in templates using do_shortcode (see FAQs).

Shortcode Example

The shortcode is:

[wcpas_product_attributes attribute="x"]

Replace x with your attribute name as shown on the WooCommerce edit attribute page.

Shortcode Attributes

Use the shortcode attributes below as needed, optional attributes do not need to be included in your shortcode if you wish to use the defaults:


REQUIRED – The name of your product attribute, use name as shown on the WooCommerce edit attribute page, default is empty


OPTIONAL – Use any orderby parameter, default is name


OPTIONAL – Use asc or desc, default asc


OPTIONAL – Use 1 to hide empty terms, 0 to disable, default is 1


OPTIONAL – Use 1 to enable a count next to each term, 0 to disable, default is 0


OPTIONAL – Use 1 to enable archive links on each term like /brand/sega, 0 to disable for links like /shop/?filter_brand=sega, default is 0


OPTIONAL – Use a number to enable links to include a minimum price filter, requires archive_links to be 0, default is empty


OPTIONAL – Use a number to enable links to include a maximum price filter, requires archive_links to be 0, default is empty

Shortcode Example

If you have a brand attribute, this shortcode will display all brand term links ordered by name in ascending order, hides links which contain no terms and shows a count of the terms next to the term link:

[wcpas_product_attributes attribute="brand" orderby="name" order="asc" hide_empty="1" show_counts="1"]


  1. Shortcode being added via block editor

    Shortcode being added via block editor

  2. Attributes display in page/post

    Attributes display in page/post

  3. Attributes display in text widget

    Attributes display in text widget

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