Product Bundles – Min/Max Items Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Product Bundles – Min/Max Items has been rolled into WooCommerce Product Bundles. If you have updated to Product Bundles version 6.4.0 or newer, you don’t need this plugin!
Important: This plugin is a free add-on for the official WooCommerce Product Bundles extension. It was created to validate and refine a feature that is now included with Product Bundles.
Up until version 6.4.0, WooCommerce Product Bundles did not include any options for selling fixed- or variable-size bundles, such as cases of wine, six-packs of soap, or candy boxes.
This feature plugin added two new options under Product Data > Bundled Products:
- Items required (≥); and
- Items allowed (≤).
Prior to version 6.4.0, these were used to set a minimum or maximum quantity of bundled items that customers should choose to make a purchase.
A pick-and-mix Product Bundle.
Setting the minimum or maximum quantity of products that customers must choose in a Product Bundle.