Product Time Countdown Pro For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce
Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce plugin lets you add a live time counter to any WooCommerce product. It is a simple but powerful plugin to generate more sales. It allows you to create a pleasant and functional Countdown timer just in a few minutes. The clocks will notify customers when the end of the sale.
It shows a countdown box with the product on sale to tell your customer how much time they have left to purchase your product. Plus, you can choose which product action should execute after time ends. Like;
- Product set to disabled (i.e., Non-purchasable or Hidden)
- Product sale canceled
- Product stock set to sold out
- No action is taken
Where is Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce Plugin Useful?
Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce plugin is helpful for all WordPress websites. Below is one small list for which you can start using the Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce plugin.
- E-commerce Product Website
- Fashion Website
- Travelling Business Website
- Beauty Product-related Website
- Restaurant Website
- Holiday Sale Offer
Key Features of Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce
1. Countdown on Checkout Page
The customer can get remarkable offers if they purchase a minimum cart total within a limited checkout countdown timer.
2. Human Readable Format
You can enable the checkbox and show a human-readable time counter format. Display an output like this:
Exa: 17 Minutes Left
3. Choose a Time Format
You can choose various time formats.
4. Display a Message on Time Finished
The message will be visible on time finished on the front end instead of the time counter. You can set the message to whatever you want.
5. Set a Position on a Single Product Page
You can select a position that will display the countdown clock shown on single product pages.
There are many options for you to choose from them.
- Do Not Add
- Before Single Product
- Before Single Product Summary
- Inside Single Product Summary
- After Single Product Summary
- After Single Product
- Before Add to Cart Form
- Before Add to Cart Button
- After Add to Cart Button
- After Add to Cart Form
6. Set a Position in Archive Pages
It will display the timer on the archive page or the product listing page.
There are several values below.
- Do Not Add
- Before Product
- Before Product Title
- Inside Product Title
- After Product Title
- After Product
7. Disable Product Action Options
You can set a product to disable action options. Like;
- Make Non-purchasable
- Make Invisible
- Make Completely Invisible
What Makes Product Time Countdown Pro for WooCommerce Outstanding?
- No coding skill is required.
- High-quality code.
- Pushing visitors into a faster decision.
- Scarcity for maximum sales.
- Holiday mood for your profit-making.
- Countdown timer of the product on sale.
- Display countdown timer by shortcodes.
Improvement Suggestions
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this item, please let us know! We will be happy to consider any advice and appreciate your efforts. We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features to include in a future update! Contact us here.
April 10th, 2023 (Version 1.5.2)
* WP 6.2 Compatibility updated.
November 7th, 2022 (Version 1.5.1)
* WP 6.1 Compatibility updated.
August 29th, 2022 (Version 1.5.0)
* WP 6.0.1 Compatibility updated.
November 26th, 2021 (Version 1.4.9)
* Fix - Plugin Activate & Deactivate Free plugin installation * Dev - Changes notice text * WC tested up to: 5.9.
August 11th, 2021 (Version 1.4.8)
* WP 5.8 Compatibility updated.
July 12th, 2021 (Version 1.4.7)
* Dev - Database Upgrade and Rename the plugin.
March 13th, 2021 (Version 1.4.6)
* WP 5.7 Compatibility updated.
January 6th, 2021 (Version 1.4.5)
* Dev - Fixed Ajax issue.
December 10th, 2020 (Version 1.4.4)
* Dev - PHP 8.0 compatibility updated. * Dev - Licensing feature added.
September 24th, 2019 (Version 1.4.3)
* WC tested up to: 3.7.
June 29th, 2019 (Version 1.4.2)
* Fix - '[product_time_counter]' - 'product_id' optional shortcode attribute fixed. * Dev - '[product_time_counter_enddate]' shortcode added. * Dev - Admin settings - "your settings have been reset" the notice added. * Dev - Code refactoring. * WC tested up to: 3.6. * Tested up to: 5.2.
February 10th, 2019 (Version 1.4.1)
* Dev - General Options - Time Format - "Upper Limit" Option (also '{weeks}' and '{days}' Placeholders) Added. * Dev - Serializing Value for Variation Prices Hash.
October 14th, 2018 (Version 1.4)
* Fix - "Disable Product" Action - "Make Completely Invisible" Option - Possible Pagination Issue Fixed. * Dev - Actions - "Cancel Sale" Action Added. * Dev - Actions - "Make Sold Out" Action Added. * Dev - General Options - "Message on Time Finished" Option Added. * Dev - General Options - "Time Format" Option Added. * Dev - General Options - "Reload Page" Option Added. * Dev - General Options - Template - Raw Input is Now Allowed. * Dev - General Options - Template - Shortcodes are Now Allowed. * Dev - General Options - Update Rate - Minimum Value Set To 100. * Dev - '[alg_wc_ptc_translate]' Shortcode Added. * Dev - Admin Settings Descriptions Updated, Restyled, 'Select' Type Display Fixed (By Adding 'wc-enhanced-select' Class). * Dev - Code Refactoring. * Dev - Plugin URI Updated.
October 11th, 2017 (Version 1.3)
* Dev - "Disable Product" Action Options - Settings Section Added. * Dev - Admin Products List Options - "Add Column" Option Added. * Dev - Settings Sections Array Stored as Main Class Property. * Dev - Admin Settings - Minor Fixes, Description Updates, Restyling.
July 22nd, 2017 (Version 1.2)
* Dev - WooCommerce v3 Compatibility - Product ID. * Dev - "Position on Archive Pages" Options Added. * Dev - Option to Disable Counter on Single Product Page Added. * Dev - '[product_time_counter]' Shortcode Added. * Dev - "Update Rate" Option Added. * Dev - "Human Readable Format" Option Added. * Dev - More Positions Added to "Position on Single Product Page". * Dev - Admin settings - Input types changed to 'Date' and 'Time' (Instead of Simple 'Text'). * Dev - 'location.reload()' Removed from JS (On Time Ended). * Dev - "Reset Section Settings" Option Added. * Dev - Autoloading Plugin Options. * Dev - Plugin Renamed from "Product Countdown" to "Product Time Countdown". * Dev - Link Updated From <a href=""></a> to <a href=""></a> * Dev - Plugin Header ("Text Domain" Etc.) Updated.
February 14th, 2017 (Version 1.1)
* Fix - 'load_plugin_textdomain' Moved to Constructor. * Dev - Language (POT) File Uploaded. * Dev - Autoload Set to 'No' in 'add_option'. * Dev - "Position on Single Product Page" and "Position Priority" Options Added. * Dev - Tags Updated.
November 24th, 2016 (Version 1.0)
* Initial Release.