Products For Holvi Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Products For Holvi Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

If the standard IFRAME method of product listings from Holvi does not
suite your needs, this might solve the problem. This simple plugin
creates simple product listing from Holvi
service as WordPress shortcode. Most likely you need to create CSS to
more appealing visual layout. And perhaps you wish to have more
configuration options.

The generation of shortcode fetches the remote content from Holvi
service and re-tagifies the product listing content suitable for
textual presentation. The parsing of HTML code is done using Pharse
-library, which is included in the plugin files.

Plugin has no admin-interface pages. Configuration is done with
attributes embedded into shortcode tag and/or theme CSS.

Plugin does not generate any tracking information.

Plugin does its best not to include any exectuable code from Holvi -pages.

Plugin does not include Javascript code. No javascript code or -hooks
is embedded within generated code.

Currenly this plugin does not do any caching, so each request to your
page/post will generate a single request to Holvi service.

Plugin generates a GET query to public Holvi -service, for reading the
active product list data (as HTML). This does not require any extra
tracking-, authentication-, or other site/user specific information
embedded into query. The information given through this query, can be
modified by WordPress and/or PHP configuration, and is not controlled
by this plugin.

The generated HTML output includes a direct “purchase” -link to Holvi
product listing for active product, if product is not soldout. This is
a feature and cannot be disabled.

Short codes

The syntax of the shortcode, in the page/article objects is:

[products_for_holvi url=””]

The url should point to your shop public page, where you have the
product listing. Do not use administrative interface pages, since this
plugin does not know how to authenticate.

Ending tag [/products_for_holvi] is optional. If it is entered, then
any content between tags is shown between title and the list of

The shortcode attributes are:

url – url, where to fetch Holvi data
title – optional title to be shown in top of product listing, formatted with
h2 -tags
sort – optional sorting of entries [none | date | alpha]. Date sort only
supports (currently) -format to work correctly.


The CSS classes are:

div.proforhol-box – div container for product listing
h2.proforhol-title – h2 title of product listing (see attr)

b.proforhol-list – “no data” -text container

ul.proforhol-list – product listing list
li.proforhol-list-item – product info (in list)
span.proforhol-item-soldout – if product is soldout – title with ‘soldout’
span.proforhol-item-title – product title
a.proforhol-item-link – direct “buy product” -link
span.proforhol-item-price – price text
span.proforhol-item-description – description text

.proforhol-soldout – the soldout item elements all have this class

Hint: Use CSS to hide ‘soldout’ -items:

.proforhol-soldout {
display: none;

Or use ‘text-decoration: line-through’ to overline them.

Important notes

As Holvi uses specific HTML code for the product
listings, it is unlikely that this plugin works directly without any
modifications with other service(s).

Administrative user should notice that this plugin uses PHP’s
file_get_contents() -function for remote query. Therefore it is
possible to insert a url which would normally be blocked by WordPress
url_filtering -rules.

Support Contact

Developer of this plugin (softanalle) has no affiliation with Holvi
-service, so all questions towards Holvi functionality should be
directed directly to Holvi support.

Bugs, questions etc about the plugin are welcome to the developer.

More information about Holvi service can be found:


Libs included

  • Pharse library from:


No screenshots provided

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