Profile Builder For Forms Management System Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Do you want to allow your users
register or edit their profiles from the frontend, or to replace the default WordPress Login, Log Out, Lost
Then the Profile Builder Is Your Best Choice.
See some of its features below.
This plugin does not work independently it needs Forms Management
System-WordPress Frontend Plugin to work
Profile Builder features list:
Amazing visual
form builder,
you will never write a code!
create as many forms as you want, if you want you can create registration form for each role or for
each role unlimited forms or . . .
Multi-step form.
Supported add as many custom fields as you need and you can choose from too many custom fields, and
there are many other fields that we will add in the future releases.
New! Conditional Logic
Redirects After Registration/Update Profile redirects your users to a page or custom URL or display a
message when they are registered or update their profile.
Redirects After Login/Logout.
wp-login.php to your login page redirect
wp-login.php to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
wp-admin to your login page redirect
wp-admin to your login page for a specific role/roles or all roles.
notification to the admin when a new user has registered.
Avatar allow you users to upload their profile picture directly from your site.
Bar disable admin bar at the frontend for a specific role/roles or all roles.
we are confident enough to tell you… yes it is secured.
JS create your own custom CSS or custom JS file then name it fms-custom-css.css, fms-custom-js.js and
put it in the plugin directory and Forms Management System will recognize it and will enqueue it in
the correct order.
Fields Username, First Name, Last Name, Nickname, E-mail, Website, Biographical Info, Password, Avatar.
Fields Text, Textarea, Dropdown, Date, Date & Time, Multi Select, Radio, Checkbox, Image Upload, File
Upload, URL,
Email, Repeatable Text Field, Hidden Field, Google Maps, Stepper, Slider, Repeat Textarea Field.
Fields reCaptcha, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Terms and Conditions, and Message.
New! Date & Time Custom Field.
New! Slider Custom Field.
New! FMSR API.Now the FMS and FMSR have many hooks. If you are a
developer you
can use the hooks to modify its behaviour or to build your add-on for it or both of them. If you need any help
please contact us.
New! Frontend AJAX.
New! now you can upload as many number of images as you want or unlimited with
Image Upload custom field.
New! now you can upload as many number of files as you want or unlimited with
File Upload custom field.
New! Backend
Custom Fields free add-on.
New! Now you can import & export forms and settings.
New! FMS’s child plugin support, for example you can now take any file of this
plugin and overwrite it without touching the original plugin file. For more info about the child plugin please
read the FMS’s documentation.
New! now you can use multiple forms on the same page without any conflict or
New! you can now set up confirmation email settings per registration form with a
lot of variables and placeholders!
New! you can now set up welcome email settings per registration form with a lot
of variables and placeholders!
New! Local Storage, no matters if your users lost the internet connection or even
their browser crashed suddenly, or maybe they shut down their computer and switched it on after few days when
they will open the form again they will find the data exactly like when they left it!
New! referer redirect after login, if you enable this feature then the user will be redirected back to the previous page after login.
New! now you can allow your users to insert images or any media(video, audio,
etc.) within any textarea field.
New! fully compatible with PHP7.
New! Repeat Textarea field.
New! add “Simple” option in the Terms field.
New! insert bulk options functionality in the dropdown field, multi-select field, radio field and checkbox field.
Friendly we stick on the rules, so we did not use any custom PHP code, we only used WordPress
actions, filters, etc. In addition, we always restrict ourselves with WordPress Coding Standards. Therefore, you can
very easy use your preferred actions and filters with Forms Management System.
friendly forms.
Profile Builder add-ons released!
No refund available for this plugin. Thank you for understanding.
22.12.2017 - ver 2.0.1 - Fix: Multi step feature not work properly with the registration forms. 08.06.2017 - ver 2.0 - New: Multi-step form feature. - New: Add Really Simple Captcha to the login form. - New: Add icon to the username form field. - Fix: The user must refresh the page after reset the password. - Fix: Broken confirmation link if space in username. - Fix: The password help text don't show up. - Fix: Lost password field label string 06.07.2016 - ver 1.7.3 - New: Repeat Textarea field. - New: insert bulk options functionality in the dropdown field, multi-select field, radio field and checkbox field. - New: add "Simple" option in the Terms field. - Enhance: allow HTML in the Terms field. - Enhance: enhance the textareas help text. 03.06.2016 - ver 1.7.2 - New: slider custom field. - New: referer redirect after login. - New: add fmsr_registration_form_title hook. - Enhance: update forms-management-system.pot file. - Enhance: cancel escaping HTML characters in the fields help textarea. - Fix: fix login with email issue. 04.03.2016 - ver 1.7 - New: confirmation email feature. - New: welcome email feature. - New: Local Storage feature. - New: inserting images or any media(video, audio, etc.) within any textarea field now is possible. - New: URL option for the logout link shortcode. - New: wrapper class fields option. - New: hooks. - New: global variables. - New: fully compatible with PHP7. 24.12.2015 - ver - New: a new option for the logout link. - Enhance: allow HTML in the message field. - Enhance: enhance form builder styles. - Fix: Google map sensor parameter warning. - Fix: SSL mixed content warning. 09.09.2015 - ver - Improve the conditional logic. - New hooks. 01.08.2015 - ver - Improve the conditional logic. 14.07.2015 - ver - Fix AJAX response issue. - Replace WordPress default logout method. 09.07.2015 - ver 1.6 - New Backend Custom Fields free add-on. - New Import & Export Forms & Settings features. - New Hooks. - Enhance AJAX respond reader. 24.06.2015 - ver - Fix "Remember me" button style issue. 23.06.2015 - ver 1.5.9 - Fix login form incorrect class name. 20.06.2015 - ver 1.5.8 - Compatible with FMS version 1.9.1. - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. 11.05.2015 - ver 1.5.7 - Compatible with FMS version 1.9. - Restyle the files and images appearance while editing the profile. - Change the behaviour of the incorrect form settings from redirecting to an undefined page to display a JS notice. - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. 28.04.2015 - ver 1.5.6 - Compatible with FMS version - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. 08.04.2015 - ver 1.5.5 - New support multiform on the same page. - New support FMS's child plugin. - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. - Compatible with FMS version 03.02.2015 - ver 1.5.4 - Fix incorrect fields order. - Compatible with FMS version 1.8.4. 29.01.2015 - ver 1.5.3 - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. 24.01.2015 - ver 1.5.2 - Compatible with FMS version 1.8.3. 14.01.2015 - ver 1.5.1 - Compatible with FMS version 1.8.2. 29.12.2014 - ver 1.5 - New now you can upload more than one image in the image upload custom field. - New now you can upload more than one file in the file upload custom field. - Refactor the plugin code for better performance. - Compatible with FMS version 1.8. 17.12.2014 - ver 1.4.2 - New enable Google no CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA on the login form. - Compatible with FMS version 1.7.5. 06.12.2014 - ver 1.4.1 - Compatible with FMS version 1.7.2. - Refactor the frontend AJAX code for better performance. - Refactor the frontend conditional logic code for better performance. 29.11.2014 - ver 1.4 - Frontend AJAX. - Modify the add-on name. - Compatible with FMS version 1.7. 16.11.2014 - ver 1.3.1 - Compatible with FMS version 1.6.1. 10.11.2014 - ver 1.3 - New Date & Time custom field. - Smart Conditional Logic 4.11.2014 - ver 1.2 - New adding a tooltip to username and password login fields. - New we started to creating API for FMSR, now it has many hooks. - Enhance the registration settings for better user experience. - Made it compatible with version 1.5 of FMS. 28.10.2014 - ver 1.1.2 - Enhance the form builder UI for better user experience. - Enhance the Setting API UI for better user experience. 25.10.2014 - ver 1.1.1 - Fix Password field conflict with Conditional Logic. 24.10.2014 - ver 1.1 - New Conditional Logic. 18.10.2014 - ver 1