User Profile Builder – Beautiful User Registration Forms, User Profiles & User Role Editor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Profile Builder is the all in one user profile and user registration plugin for WordPress.
Elegant and reliable user registration and user profile plugin for creating front-end user registration, login and edit profile forms with custom fields.
It also lets you restrict content based on user role or logged in status and manage user roles and capabilities using the built in Role Editor.
Elevate your user experience and boost sign-ups with beautiful GDPR-compliant registration and login forms, customized user profiles, and all the user management tools you need in one robust solution.
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Professionally Designed Login and Registration Forms
Personalize your website by incorporating front-end user login and user registration forms, providing users with a convenient way of signing up or accessing their profiles.
This is ideal for:
* Online Communities & Associations
* Online Courses
* News and Resource Websites
Modern and Elegant User Profiles, Listings, and Directories
From creating user profiles and a member directory to listing job offers or your community services, Profile Builder gives you the tools you need to monitor your users, control how and where they log in, as well as implement security measures to protect all those involved. This is ideal for:
* Business Directory
* Member Directory
* Job Boards
* Consultancy Services
Lock Your WooCommerce Shop and Content for Members Only
Take control of user access throughout your website, define users’ viewing permissions, and regulate their ability to purchase your products. You can do this based on user role or logged-in status, and you can also manage user roles and capabilities using the built-in role editor. This is ideal for:
* Private Websites
* Private Content
* Private WooCommerce Stores
* Members-Only WooCommerce Stores
How to Add User Registration, Login, User Profile and Password Recovery Forms
You can use the following shortcode list or available plugin blocks to quickly display the user forms on your website:
- [wppb-register] – to register users via a front-end register form that you can customize with .
- [wppb-edit-profile] – to grant users front-end access to their user profile (requires user to be logged in).
- [wppb-login] – to add a front-end login form.
- [wppb-logout] – to add logout functionality.
- [wppb-recover-password] – to add a password recovery form.
- [wppb-restrict] Content to restrict [/wppb-restrict] – to restrict content of any type
Profile Builder Features
- drag & drop to reorder user profile fields
- add Avatar Upload field for users to manage their avatar on your website
- enable Email Confirmation (on registration users will receive a notification to confirm their email address)
- Email Customizer – Personalize all emails sent to your users or admins; customize default WordPress registration email
- choose between login with only Username, Email or both
- enforce WordPress password requirements by setting up a minimum password length and minimum password strength (using the default WordPress password strength meter)
- assign users a specific role at registration (using [wppb-register role=”desired_role”] shortcode argument for the register form)
- redirect users after login, register and edit-profile using redirect_url shortcode argument ( e.g [wppb-login redirect_url=””] )
- add register and lost password links below the login form (using [wppb-login register_url=”” lostpassword_url=””] shortcode arguments)
- customizable user login widget
- add a custom stylesheet/inherit values from the current theme or use the default one built into this plugin
- Admin Bar Settings: choose which user roles view the admin bar in the front-end
- extended functionality available via Add-ons
- Roles Editor: add, edit, remove or clone user roles and capabilities
- reCAPTCHA support for Profile Builder and WordPress default forms
- User Role Select field on register and edit profile forms
- Content Restriction: restrict content based on current users role or logged in status
- Restrict WooCommerce shop page and products
- Restrict Gutenberg blocks
- Invisible reCAPTCHA support for both Profile Builder forms as well as default WordPress forms
- Private Website: setup a WordPress private site that is visible only to members or logged in users
- GDPR: collect users consent about the data you collect about them under the new GDPR law requirements
- Form Designs: enable beautiful designs for your forms fully customizable by you
The Pro version has the following extra features:
- Create Extra User Fields (Hidden Input, Agree to Terms Checkbox WYSIWYG, Upload fields, User Role Select, Country Select, Timezone Select Upload, Map, HTML, Phone, Datepicker, Timepicker, Colorpicker, Custom Validation field, Currency Select, CPT Select, Taxonomy Select)
- Support for Conditional Fields
- Use AJAX for form processing
- Front-end User Listing (create fully customizable member directories, sorting included)
- Create Multiple User Listings
- Custom Redirects
- Multiple Registration Forms (set up multiple registration forms with different profile fields for certain user roles)
- Multiple Edit Profile Forms
- Repeater Fields – add repeater fields or groups of fields to your user profile
- Admin Approval (approve new users from dashboard or via email)
- Create a Map of Users Locations
- 17 Premium Add-ons (e.g. custom redirects, user listing, multiple registration forms etc.)
- Access to Premium Support and Documentation
- 1 Year of Plugin Updates, New Features and Priority Support
Find out more about Profile Builder PRO
For more functionality check out Profile Builder Add-ons page
Free Add-ons
- GDPR Communication Preferences – allows your users to give consent on the communication preferences
- Custom Login Page Templates – customize the default WordPress login page with your own design.
- Client Portal – create private pages for your website users that only an administrator can edit.
- Custom CSS Classes on Fields – add custom CSS classes for fields
- Import and Export – allows you to import and export all Profile Builder Settings data
- Passwordless Login – allow your users to login without a password
- Maximum Character Length – set a maximum character length for custom input or textarea fields
- Labels Edit – easily edit all Profile Builder labels
Premium Add-ons
- WooCommerce Sync – integrates Profile Builder with WooCommerce, allowing you to manage Shipping and Billing fields from WooCommerce with PB and more
- Social Connect – enable social login on your website, users can login with Facebook, Google, Twitter(X) or LinkedIn.
- Multi-Step Forms – allow users to build multi-step forms for Registration and Edit Profile forms.
- Custom Profile Menus – add custom menu items like Login/Logout or just Logout button and Login/Register/Edit Profile in iFrame Popup
- Field Visibility – select which user profile fields are visible in the frontend
- MailChimp – allow users to subscribe to your Mailchimp lists directly from the Register or Edit Profile forms
- Campaign Monitor – allow users to subscribe to your Campaign Monitor lists directly from the Register or Edit Profile forms
- MailPoet – allow users to subscribe to your MailPoet lists directly from the Register and Edit Profile forms
- bbPress – allows you to integrate Profile Builder with the popular forums plugin, bbPress.
- BuddyPress – allows extending BuddyPress user profiles with Profile Builder user fields.
The Ultimate Membership Bundle
Combine user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue in one powerful plugin bundle called the Ultimate Membership Bundle.
Get access to Profile Builder Pro and Paid Member Subscriptions Pro together. These two plugins are designed to work perfectly together, offering you a powerful toolkit for managing and expanding your user base while generating revenue through paid memberships and recurring revenue.
Please visit the documentation page for this plugin
For more details visit our website
Profile Builder in your Language
We’re focusing on translating Profile Builder in as many languages as we can. So far, the translations for 17 languages are almost complete, but we still need help on a lot of other languages, so please join us at
You will be able to download all the available language packs as well as help us translate Profile Builder in your language.
For more information please visit
This plugin adds/removes user fields in the front-end. Both default and extra profile fields will be visible in the back-end as well.
User Registration Form Style preview
Register Form – Front-end User Registration Page with Custom Fields
Edit Profile Form Style Preview
User Listing and Individual User Profile Page (available in Pro)
Member Directory template with search and filtering options (available in Pro)
Login Form – Front-end User Login Page
Recover Password Page
Basic Information page for Profile Builder, user registration plugin
General Settings in Profile Builder user profile plugin
Manage User Registration Form Fields (Add, Edit or Delete)
Drag & Drop to Reorder User Profile Fields
Content Restriction settings for User Profile Builder, user registration plugin
Private website settings – restrict access to entire site
User Profile Builder Advanced Settings
Settings for Customizing User Emails
User Roles Editor – create custom user roles or edit existing roles and capabilities
Edit or Add New User Role