ProgressionPlayer – WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured Audio/Video Player. When purchasing this player, you will receive a detailed help file along with additional features like 5 custom skins and Responsive Layout.
Audio + Video Player Features
- Video Playlists now supported!
- Playlist Album artwork has been added. Easily add album artwork to your playlists!
- Built on top of the default WordPress 3.6 Media Player. Add this plugin to easily style your existing videos!
- Responsive Player: Mobile, Tablet and Desktop optimized
- 5 Skins to choose from
- Audio Playlists supported
- Unlimited audio and video players per page (single playlist per page)
- Retina Support: ProgressionPlayer is optimized for high resolution displays like the Macbook Pro with Retina Display, iPhones and iPads
- Custom Flash and Silverlight players that mimic the HTML5 MediaElement API for older browsers
- Players automatically stop playing when another player is activated
- Easy to Customize
- Full-screen video button
- Playlist can stay open or closed by default.
Audio Files used in the Live Preview
- Indie rock by AdamCaptured:
- Winner by kristijanf
- Get Out of My Way by AdamCaptured
- Positive Thinking by BeatheBeat
- Cheer Up by sevenfoursounds
- Glitchy Digital Crystal Logo #07 by alkis
Theme Updates – Changelog
==v1.7 - 24 February 19 == -Plugin Maintenance -Updated plugin functions for latest version of WordPress ==v1.6 - 21 November 17 == -Added support for WordPress 4.9+ -Sliding animation added to playlist toggle -Player javascript completely rewritten -Created a .min file for CSS to increased page loading -Reduced JavaScript for increased page loading speeds -Updated Genericons Font Kit -New Documentation ==v1.5 - 20 December 14 == Added support for WordPress 4.1. Files Updated: /assets/css/progression-player.css -Find/Replace div.mejs-horizontal-volume-slider with .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider -Find/Replace span.mejs-time-total with .mejs-time-total -Noted Updates at the bottom of the css file ==v1.4 - 1 October 14 == -Complete plugin overhaul -New styles added -Album artwork support added to playlists -Video playlist support added ==v1.3 - 11 December 13 == -Minor JavaScript updates ==v1.2 - 16 October 13 == -Loop can now be applied to audio, video, & playlists separately. -Unlimited Playlists per page has now been added (Audio/Video also can have unlimited players per page) ==v1.1 - 21 September 13 == -Fixed Audio Playlist multiple plays in FireFox when user clicks multiple times. File updated: /build/mep-feature-playlist.js
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