Project Manager By TPC Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Demonstration Site
Project Manager Plugin for WordPress provides Users with an interface to create Projects, Task Lists, Tasks, Milestones, Messages and Files. Similarly to Basecamp.
Back End Features
- Privacy – Users only see Projects and Tasks they are Contributors on.
- Tasks by Date Widget – This is a Widget that displays all of your Tasks ordered by date. If you’re an administrator you can switch to see any Users list.
- Tasks by Sort Widget – This is empty, by default, until you, or another authorized Users, drags Tasks from the Tasks by Date Widget into it. Thus allowing higher priority items to be ushered to the top of the list and manually sorted via drag-n-drop. If you’re an administrator you can switch to see any Users list.
- Responsive UI – The UI is more responsive. This means that various aspects, such as form elements, stretch 100% width and are more condensed.
- Improved UI Elements – The UI replaces the custom icons (used for Delete, Edit, etc…) with the native WordPress DashIcosn (glyphs) to be more standardized compliant and consistent in the UI.
- Improved Layout – We converted the Projects page layout to a standard Posts table so when we introduce advanced filtering (by Project Type, Tags, etc…) it will be more practical and quick for Users to find what they’re looking for.
- Hashtags – Easily link to an existing Task by referencing it’s ID with a hashtag (Ex. #1001 would become a link that, when clicked, opens that task in a new window.)
- Email Notifications – All Contributors to a Project receive notifications when anyone complete’s a task (eventually we’ll introduce a proper Digest format, but for not it’s individual emails). Well designed email clients like Apple Mail and Google Mail will group these notifications in a Thread by Project and Task List so they’re automatically organized in your inbox as well.
This is a fork of the WP Project Manager Plugin by Tareq Hassan of WeDevs
Projects Overview – This is the Projects page which lists all Projects and introduces two Widgets for viewing your Tasks by date and manual sort via drag-n-drop.
Activity – Displays all Activity on that Project.
Messages – Have long, threaded, conversations.
This is the Tasks List page which displays all Tasks specific to the Project.
Milestones – Set Milestones to mark progress.
Files – Lists all files uploaded to the Project.