Project Tasks Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Project Tasks Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
3.7 Average out of 3 ratings
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Plugin Description

This WordPress plugin is a complete flexible Projekt Task Management System. It helps you take control of all tasks when developing a WordPress Theme in a team or with a client.

Apart from common task management system features, Project Tasks have unique functions to link each task to a specific object in WordPress. And when you’re editing a page, it knows what objects and elements that page is made of.

Let’s say you have a page that uses the a certain page template, contains three different shortcodes and two different post types. When you create a project task on that page, these templates, shortcodes and posttypes comes up as suggestions to link your task to.

Project Tasks are accessable from the WordPress Adminbar when browsing your WordPress site where you can see how many and which tasks are linked to that particular page.

Project Tasks are also available from the the WordPress Admin that gives you an overview of all tasks and where you can manage them properly.


  1. The Project Tasks Menu in Wordpress Admin

    The Project Tasks Menu in Wordpress Admin

  2. The Project Tasks overview in Wordpress Admin

    The Project Tasks overview in Wordpress Admin

  3. Project Tasks in Wordpress Adminbar. The number next to the header is telling how many tasks currently are asigned to this page

    Project Tasks in Wordpress Adminbar. The number next to the header is telling how many tasks currently are asigned to this page

  4. Dropdown list with all project tasks on a page from Wordpress Adminbar

    Dropdown list with all project tasks on a page from Wordpress Adminbar

  5. The Edit Project Task Dialog Window

    The Edit Project Task Dialog Window

  6. Selecting a target for the project task. Here is where some of the magic is happening

    Selecting a target for the project task. Here is where some of the magic is happening

  7. A Tasks third tab is for writing notes

    A Tasks third tab is for writing notes

  8. A Tasks fourth tab is logging everything

    A Tasks fourth tab is logging everything

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