PromPress Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

PromPress Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

PromPress tracks various website and WordPress related metrics for collection by Prometheus, which allows you to monitor your site’s performance and health. You can even setup dashboards with Grafana and/or setup alerting via Prometheus Alertmanager.

(Note: Requires Object Caching via Redis to be active, so that the plugin can store metrics.)

We track a range of Website and WordPress specific metrics:

  • Request Count
  • Request Duration
  • Request Peak Memory Usage
  • External Request Duration
  • Query Count
  • Query Duration
  • Plugin Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Emails Sent
  • User Count
  • Post Count
  • Option Count

This gives you the ability to monitor the performance of your website over time and get an early warning of potential problems, like your site sending a lot of emails or the post count increasing a lot.

We purposefully avoid general software and/or server level metrics which are better handled outside of the website, like detailed database metrics which is better handled via the mysqld exporter.


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