PT AO90 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The PT AO90 plugin sets WordPress language to Portuguese (AO90), according to the orthographic reform of 1990, and adds fallbacks to the pre-AO90 orthography, the default language pack for Portugal (the 1945 norm, reviewed in 1973), when AO90 translation is not available.
You don’t need this plugin to set the Portuguese (AO90) language, you can set it in WordPress options. But this enables fallbacks to the default Portuguese (pre-AO90) language packs, instead of WordPress defaults (en_US). WordPress does not currently supports language fallbacks, so using this plugin is the only way to have non-AO90 translated projects (plugins and themes) in Portuguese (pre-AO90) instead of English.
Extra information
No language files are included with this plugin. They are loaded from the official WordPress repository (GlotPress). Not every file has 100% strings translated for Portuguese (AO90), therefore, when you activate the plugin, some text may fallback to the default Portuguese pre-AO90 orthography.
The Portuguese Orthographic Agreement form available in the WordPress repository is mainly obtained by conversion with Lince software, by ILTEC.
This project is being curated by the WordPress Portuguese Community and replaces PT Variants, now that the Portuguese (AO90) is included in GlotPress. Let us know if it’s useful or if something isn’t right.
The ideas behind this plugin were suggested by Preferred Languages, Pascal Birchler’s plugin available on GitHub.
The plugin’s banner is blatantly inspired on this template.
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