PWA+PHP Picasa Web Albums Plugin for Wordpress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Re-Auth Required: AuthSub (used by PWA+PHP to connect to your Private albums) is going away. This change impacts all users accessing Private albums via PWA+PHP and v0.9.8 will stop working on April 20th.
PWA+PHP is a lightweight solution for displaying your private (unlisted) and public Picasa Albums within WordPress in your language using Fancybox, Shadowbox or Lightbox. The plugin provides a guided installer that helps you generate your gdata token and set display options for your albums.
PWA+PHP extends the capabilites of Picasa albums, allowing you to group albums by keywords in the title. Using this capability, you can create several photo pages in WordPress and show different groups of albums on each page. You can even allow users to download full-size copies of your images.
PWA+PHP’s configuration options allow you to customize the look and feel of your albums, including thumbnail and image size, images per page, caption settings and display language, without modifying any code. The included CSS file can also be tweaked to your liking for an exact match with your existing website. The div-based layout is fluid and adjusts automatically to fit your theme.
Check out the demo to see the code in action.
Basic Version Features
- Embed all your public, private and unlisted Picasa web albums on any website
- Group and filter albums using keywords in the album title
- Uploaded images via email, web interface or desktop app and see them instantly
- Display image totals for the entire gallery and by album
- Configure caption settings with 4 options
- Allow users to download full-size copies of your images
- Install script guides setup and token generation for private albums
- Interface configuration via 16 variables (image size, thumbnail size, pagination, etc)
- Modify included CSS file to match your site exactly
- Available in 8 languages and extensible to others!
- Hide Video: Option to suppress display of video thumbnails
- Improved compatibility with WPtouch iPhone theme in v0.7
Additional Pro Version Features
- Comments: Show photo’s comments in Shadowbox, allow users to add comments to photos, and show recent comments in widget
- Cache Thumbnails: Save thumbnails on server for faster page loads
- Album Cover Shortcode: Show album cover thumbnail in a post instead of album contents
- Random Album Shortcode: Show random album, instead of random photo
Main gallery view, description on mouse over
View of images in album
Full-size image in a Shadowbox
Settings page
Hover display option