Quick Amazon MP3 Clips Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Add an Amazon MP3 Clip player to your posts.
Just add [mp3 artist=”ARTIST NAME” album=”ALBUM NAME”] anywhere you want.
The Amazon MP3 Clips widget plays 30 second previews of songs and displays the album art in the background.
Just add [mp3 artist=”ARTIST NAME” album=”ALBUM NAME”] anywhere you want.
There are many ways to create an MP3 widget. Here are some:
[mp3 artist="ARTIST NAME" album="ALBUM NAME" songtitle="SONG NAME"]
This creates an MP3 widget with a specific song by a specific artist off of a specific album. -
[mp3 artist="ARTIST NAME" album="ALBUM NAME" songtitle="SONG NAME" tag="AMAZON ASSOCIATE ID"]
This creates an MP3 widget with a specific song by a specific artist off of a specific album, and a specific Amazon Associate ID.
Use this if you would like to make a commision off of sales through your site. You mush sign up at Amazon.com before using this feature.