RaCar Message Me Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

RaCar Message Me Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin allows you to add a customizable button with your social networks inboxes (direct message). The button appears on the left bottom corner of your website. When clicked, it’ll take the user to your social network private message inbox.


After installation and activation, on the plugins page, find RaCar Message Me on the list and click ‘settings’ right under the title. It’ll take you to the plugin’s settings page. Another way of getting there is through the left admin menu. Find the RaCar Plugins handle and click it.


On settings page, choose your options such as colors and text and enable the plugin so the button will show.

The button itself is a ‘<button type=”submit”>’ HTML tag, has the ‘class=”button”‘ and ‘id=”clear-cart”‘, so you’re welcome to add your own CSS to it. If doing so, leave the options on options page blank. In failing to do so, you’ll have to use the ‘!important’ to some of the elements such as ‘background’ and ‘color’.


So far, the only way to reset your settings is unistalling the plugin and installing it back on. Just deactivating and activating will NOT reset settings, only the unistalling will.


This plugin was written in English and has Brazilian Portuguese transalations. Este plugin está traduzido em Português do Brasil.

Screenshots Caption

Below, you’ll find the screenshots. Follow these captions:
1. Plugin Enabled
2. Confirmation
3. Cleared Cart
4. Plugin Options
5. Frontend With Option set


No screenshots provided

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