RDP Wiki Embed Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
RDP Wiki Embed will pull content from any MediaWiki website (such as wikipedia.org) and embed it in pages and posts. It strips and reformats the content, allowing you to supply some arguments to dictate how this works.
RDP Wiki Embed can also look for all links to wiki sites listed in the Security section and force the content on the current page to be replaced with the content found at the wiki site when the link is clicked. Visitors will be able to read wiki content without leaving your site.
RDP Wiki Embed is not coded to work with the block editor. Therefore, the shortcode button will not work. A plugin that restores the classic editor will need to be installed for the shortcode button to work. Get the Classic Editor Plugin here.
Posting to the WordPress.org Support Forum does not send me notifications of new issues. Therefore, please send support requests using the contact form on my web site.
This plug-in brought to you through the generous funding of Laboratory Informatics Institute, Inc.
Use the shortcode [rdp-wiki-embed] for embedding MediaWiki content. The following arguments are accepted:
- url: (required) the web address of the wiki article that you want to embed on this page
- title_show: 0 (zero) to hide title or 1 to show
- toc_show: 0 (zero) to hide table of contents (TOC) or 1 to show
- edit_show: 0 (zero) to hide edit links or 1 to show
- infobox_show: 0 (zero) to hide info boxes or 1 to show
- unreferenced_show: 0 (zero) to hide “unreferenced” warning boxes or 1 to show
- wiki_update: number of minutes content of the wiki page will be stored on your site, before it is refreshed
- wiki_links: behavior after clicking a link to wiki content – default or overwrite
- wiki_links_open_new: 0 (zero) to open wiki links in same window or 1 to open in new window
- global_content_replace: 1 to apply embed overwrite behavior to all wiki links on the site or 0 (zero)
- global_content_replace_template: page template to use for replaced content
- source_show: 0 (zero) to hide attribution or 1 to show
- pre_source: text for source label
Basic uasge:
[rdp-wiki-embed url=’http://en.wikipedia.org’]
Display table-of-contents and info boxes, but hide title, edit links and ‘unreferenced’ warning boxes:
[rdp-wiki-embed url=’http://en.wikipedia.org’ title_show=’0′ toc_show=’1′ edit_show=’0′ infobox_show=’1′ unreferenced_show=’0′]
About Overwrite and Global Content Replace
Global content replace requires Overwrite mode to be enabled. When content is being replaced in Overwrite mode, the Default Shortcode Settings on the plug-in’s settings page will be applied to content that is fetched from wiki sites.
Action Hook Reference:
- Param: none
- Fires after enqueuing plug-in-specific frontend scripts
- Param: none
- Fires after enqueuing plug-in-specific frontend styles
Filter Reference
- Param: Array of HTML elements to remove from the raw wiki content, before being cached
- Return: Array of HTML elements to remove from the raw wiki content, before being cached
- Param: Array of HTML elements to remove from the wiki content, before rendering to browser
- Return: Array of HTML elements to remove from the wiki content, before rendering to browser