Recent Posts Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Recent Posts displays a list of your blog’s newest posts. The output can be customised in many ways.
This plugin requires the latest version of the Post-Plugin Library: download it now.
Version History
- new {imagealt} output tag — rather like {imagesrc}
- {excerpt} can now trim to whole sentences
- content filter can now take parameter string
- widget can now take parameter string
- output can be appended to posts & feeds
- the current post can be marked manually
- widgets now honour the option to show no output if list is empty
- bug fix: installation code was failing on some systems
- version bump to indicate compatibility with WP 2.6
- fix to really include attachments
- new parameter for {imagesrc} to append a suffix to the image name, e.g. to get the thumbnail for attachments
- new option to include attachments
- {php} tag now accepts nested tags
- new output tag {authorurl} — permalink to archive of author’s posts
- fix for page selection in old versions of WP
- made omit current post try harder to find current post ID
- new option to order by date of last edit rather than date of creation
- new option to match the current post’s author
- extended options for snippet and excerpt output tags
- new option to show by status, i.e., published/private/draft/future
- {categorynames} and {categorylinks} apply ‘single_cat_name’ filter
- fixes bug in WP pre-2.2 causing installation to fail
- 2.5.0
- {image} has new post, link, and default parameters
- new {imagesrc} tag
- fix to empty category bug
- excluded posts bug fix
- fix for intermittent bug with ‘omit current post’ option
- 2.5b26
- reverted thumbnail serving (speed)
- fix current post after extra query
- 2.5b25
- option to sort output, group templates
- removed ‘trim_before’ option added more logical ‘divider’
- {date:raw}, {commentdate:raw}, etc.
- fix for {image} resizing when and not
- {image} now serves real thumbnails
- 2.5b24
- fix for recursive replacement by content filter
- fix to {gravatar} to allow for ‘identicon’ etc.
- fix to {commenter} to allow trimming
- fix a warning in safe mode
- 2.5b23
- new option to filter on custom fields
- nested braces in {if}; condition now taggable
- improved bug report feature
- better way to omit user comments
- 2.5b22
- show_pages option can now show only pages
- fixes for tag bugs
- 2.5b19
- fix for content replacement filter
- 2.5b18
- fix output filter bug
- add conditional tag {if:condition:yes:no}
- 2.5b16
- fix for {php}
- 2.5b15
- fix bugs, add ‘included posts’ setting
- 2.5b14
- fix file-encoding, installation error, etc.
- 2.5b11
- some widget fixes
- clarifying installation instructions
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