ReplyMe Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Send a email to author automatically while someone reply his comment.
You can custom the content what you send.
Note: You must enable threaded (nested) comments and deactivate the plugin like `Wordpress Thread Comment`.
Languages supported now:
- Chinese – 中文 by Neekey, (中文使用说明)
- English
- Polish – Polski by Marcin Łuniewski
- Swedish – Svenska by Gabriel Modéus
- Turkish – Türkçe by Opereysin, ReplyMe Kullanım Kılavuzu
* Please translate:
There are some files under the plugin dir like `subject.en`,`message.en`.(No pot file)
It is the example text to send and WP will read it when you active the plugin first time.
Please edit it(use Notepad++, etc) and translate it into your language and
rename it like `subject.it_IT`,`message.it_IT` with UTF-8 encoding and
send to me if possibly.
* Any problem please contact me zero[AT]photozero[DOT]net . Thank you very much!
No screenshots provided