Republish Old Posts Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The Republish Old Posts plugin helps revive old posts by resetting the publish date to the current date. This will push old posts to your front page, the top of archive pages, and back into RSS feeds. Ideal for sites with a large repository of evergreen content.
Why would you want to do this? Here are a few reasons:
- New visitors to your site haven’t seen your old content. This will help them discover it.
- Old content won’t show up in date-based searches on search engines, but resetting the date can make them look fresh again.
- People like to share and link to new content and they determine that by looking at the publication date.
A pro version (a lifetime license is less than $15) with many additional options (see screenshots) for controlling when and what posts are republished.
Set the time that should elapse before posts are republished. Options in red are available only in the pro version.
Add a randomness interval to when posts are republished. Options in red are available only in the pro version.
Determine how old posts should be before they’re considered for republishing. Options in red are available only in the pro version.
Ability to specify a post-level, custom field to exclude posts from ever being republished. This option available only in the pro version.