Responsive Scrolling Notification WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin help you to add a global Notification box to your WordPress while user scrolling the page, the notification support HTML and WordPress shortcode. So you can put any content in it, like a Youtube video, embedded Tweets or a Image Map HotSpot.
Want to display different notification in different post/page?
This plugin add a global notification by default, if you want to display different notification in different post/page, you can take a look at the Visual Composer Extensions – Popup and Notification
Update log
- 30 May 2014 Version 1.2.3:
- Add multiple post/page ID support, now you can set the notification to be displayed in certain post/page.
- Remove the warning when WP_DEBUG is set to true.
- 22 Jan 2014 Version 1.2.1:
- Add cookie support, the notification won’t be shown again if you enable the cookie feature in the setting.
- Add option to make it alive in front end or not, help you to disable the notification temporarily but keep the content.
- 13 Oct 2013 Version 1.2:
- Update the position option feature, now you can customize the position via top, right, bottom, left like CSS. Help you to control the position more precise.
- Add post/page ID option, now you can specify it to display on a certain post or page only. Which support the post_title or post_name(slug) too.
- 6 Oct 2013:
- Added background opacity option, make the notification readable and transparent.
- Added optional close button, after user click the close button the notification won’t show again until user scroll to the page top again or reload the page.
- 30 Sep 2013: Fix the missing title/alt of notification image in the front end.
- Available settings include:
Notification Image (optional), image width, image title, image float, image hyperlink, Notification Text (optional), background, font color, notification width, notification height, position top, right, bottom, left, Appear from (scrollTop), to, Animation ease in, ease out, autohide delay, post/page ID, visible or hidden when page loaded. Screenshots of the whole settings - Display globally or specify it only display in a certain post or page.
- Easy to install and setup with WordPress. Compatible with latest jQuery(1.10.x) and latest WordPress.
- You can add/edit the Notification without touching the code. Customize/update the image and text with WordPress backend. Live preview available in the backend.
- Notification support any kind of content, for example you can put a Youtube video or a Image Map HostPot in it.
- Color picker for updating color easily.
- CSS3 transition support, fade only on the older browser, like IE8, you can select the animation easily in the backend.
- Optional autohide by delay.
- FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.
Purchased, installed, configured and live in under 5 minutes. A work of art.”simonben
Recommendation for you
Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin: