REST API Authentication And Security Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

REST API Authentication And Security Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

WordPress Rest APIs can be used for various integrations however they are not secured by default, this can lead to security issues and data leaks.
Adding an authentication layer is a simple method to make sure that your APIs are protected from any unauthorized access. Adding a basic authentication layer is the first step towards making your site secure.
You can use this authentication for various third party integrations like Android/IOS app integrations, REST API integrations for your headless WordPress setup, data sync solutions, etc.

WordPress REST API Authentication methods available in the plugin

Basic Authentication: This method allows you to use a WordPress user’s username and password to authenticate REST API request.

Note : We are constantly adding support for new authentication methods, if you are looking for a method and can’t find it in the plugin please reach out to us at


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