Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in Date Time Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Pickup | Delivery | Dine in plugin is an add-on for WooCommerce. This allow your customers to place an order as Delivery or Pickup or Dine-in along with a date-picker calendar to choose an available date & and a time slot drop-down to choose an available time slot on checkout page. Optionally you can turn off chosen services form plugin settings page.
In case of din-in booking it ask few more details as described below.
With this plugin for a dine-in order you will know in advance how many people are coming on which date and at what time, optionally what accommodation they need ( like casual lunch/dinner, party purpose/ meet over lunch), so that you can prepare in advance and serve them instantly without making you customers wait.
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Features in this version
Minimum pre-order days – This is maximum number of days from the current date that the customer can place an order. Like anyone can place order with a maximum seven days advance.
You can set allowable days for pre-order in plugin settings page and customers will be able to pick a date from date picker calendar within your specified number of days range only.
Control delivery hours to choose
You can set delivery hours in plugin settings page and customers can pick a delivery time from your specified time range only.
Control pickup hours to choose
Let your customer know what time slot is allowed for pickup. You can set pickup hours in plugin settings page and customer can choose a pickup time from your specified time range only.
Custom time slots
Pickup time slots – Create as many pickup time slots as you need, and setup your custom slot duration as you wish. Like 15 minutes or 30 minutes or an hour or any custom duration!
Delivery time slots – Create as many delivery time slots as you need, and setup your custom slot duration as you wish. Like 30 minutes or an hour or any custom duration ie; 2 pm to 3 pm or so!
Dine in time slots – This plugin allow you to create separated time slots for dine in bookings as well. Create as many booking time slots as you need, and setup your custom slot duration as you wish. ie; 2 pm to 3 pm or 3 pm to 5 pm and so on…!
Check payment for dine in bookings
Plugin automatically change payment method to check payment only for dine in bookings.
Collect all possible booking data – Like number of guest and if any accommodation is requested.
Set minimum time to get deliver
Tell your customer what is your minimum delivery time, this option is visible on widget only. You can set minimum delivery time in plugin settings page and this info will be visible in widget.
Let you customers to place an order for delivery or pickup or dine in
Customer can select whether they will pickup their orders from you store or they need a delivery for their order or they are placing an order for dine in.
Automated shipping selection based on order type – If customer choose pickup then the In Store Pickup shipping is automatically applied. If deliver option is selected, it will show your available shipping methods except the Store Pickup one. For restaurant dine-in order it apply in store pickup.
Control what texts to show on order details page with date and time and order type
This plugin show the desired delivery/pickup/dine in date and time on order details page at front-end and you can control what texts to be shown there including chosen date and time. Additionally show number of guest(s) and if any accommodation is requested in case of restaurant dine-in order.
Control where to place delivery/pickup/din in info on order details/completed page
You can control where to show this delivery/pickup/dine in date and time on customer order details page, two option is available as before the order item table or after order item table.
Control and show delivery/pickup date time on email
Date and time for order delivery or order pickup or dine in order is shown on customers email as well. For restaurant dine in order it include additional info like number of guest and if any accommodation is requested during checkout.
Get delivery/pickup date time and dine on order details on admin side order details page
On admin side order details page you can see whether the order is for delivery or pickup or dine in. It show date and time requested for delivery/pickup and additionally show number of guest and if any accommodation is chosen when order is as dine in table booking.
Control all the texts/labels
You can change text/label of each fields with your own words.
Get pro version here
Get Pro version
Check pro version demo here
Features in pro version(including above features)
Minimum waiting day(s) – This is the minimum number of days from the current date that an order can be placed. Leave blank if you allow same day delivery/pickup/dine-in
Set up minimum cart amount for free shipping – Offer free shipping when cart total reached to desired amount.
Time slot booking limit – Set how many times a time slot can be booked for pickup, delivery or din-in separately per day basis.
Additional fees for certain time slot – Setup extra fees required for booking of certain time slot.
Day basis slot availability – Set up which day on calendar will produce which time slots.
Separate weekly closing days setup for each of three service – delivery. pickup & dine-in.
Order placing cutoff time for next day delivery/pickup
Order placing cutoff time for same day delivery/pickup
Custom slots – create your own delivery slot per week day basis. Also different pickup slots based on different week days.
Custom slot fees – Add extra fees for delivery on special time slot.
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Checkout page with dine in option selected
Custom time slot for take away to choose on checkout page
Custom time slot for pickup settings page at back-end.
4.Custom time slot for delivery settings page at back-end.Custom time slot for dine in settings page at back-end.
Custom time slot for delivery to choose on checkout page
Custom time slot for delivery to choose on checkout page
Date picker on checkout page for dine in booking.
Date picker on checkout page for dine in booking.
Admin side order details page for dine in type order
Customer email copy for dine in order type
Option to use fixed time instead of time slot.
Widget comes with this plugin.
Order details page at customer side.